Bake a Pi

Click on the options to see detailed instructions.
Alternatively, scroll down to see all these options

**OPTION-1 : **
Piaware 3.5 image with integral dump1090-fa and Piaware data feeder

Raspbian Jessie Lite + dump1090-fa + Piaware 3.5 (add on) feeder

**OPTION-3: **
Raspbian Jessie Lite + dump1090-mutability + Piaware 3.5 (add on) feeder


  1. Flightradar24
  2. Planefinder
  3. Adsbexchange

**OPTION-1: **
Piaware 3.5 image with integral dump1090-fa and Piaware data feeder

  1. Insert microSD Card in your Desktop/Laptop’s card slot (or use a card reader plugged into USB Port).

  2. Format microSD Card

  3. Download Piaware 3.5 image (zip) on your Desktop/Laptop and unzip downloaded file

  4. Write the unzipped Piaware 3.5 image to microSD Card.

  5. After image is written, and microSD card is still in card reader of Desktop/Laptop, (a) Enable ssh (b) Configure WiFi

(a) To enable SSH:

In File Explorer, double click the drive letter of microSD card. This will open the folder /boot and show lots of files and some folders. Right click in /boot folder, and create a new blank file named ssh or ssh.txt

Mac: Open terminal and give following command
$ touch /Volumes/piaware/ssh

(b) To enable Wifi on first boot (if required):

In File Explorer, double click the drive letter of microSD card. This will open the folder /boot and show lots of files and some folders. Open file “piaware-config.txt” using a text editor like Notepad.

Mac: Open the Finder program. Select the Micro SD card device labeled piaware. Open the file “piaware-config.txt”. The file will open in TextEdit.

In the opened file “piaware-config.txt”, scroll down till you see this text:

wireless-ssid MyWifiNetwork
wireless-password s3cr3t99

Replace MyWifiNetwork by your router’s wifi ssid, and s3cr3t99 by your router’s wifi password

(c) For retaining existing station number and it’s stats

First find and note down existing station’s “Unique Identifier” which is in the format “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”. You can find it from any of these three places:

Easiest method, from your stats page:
Before re-imaging, from Pi: cat /var/log/piaware.log
Before re-imaging, from Pi: cat /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id

Once you have Site Identifier, use any of the following 2 methods:
Method 1: While the microSD Card is still in Desktop/Laptop’s card reader, open file /boot/piaware-config.txt by a text editor like Notepad, and add following line at the end of file:

feeder-id 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc

(replace “12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc” by Unique Identifier of your existing station)

Method 2: After booting and SSH,

#delete the Unique Identifier in cache (which was assigned automatically at boot)
sudo rm /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id

#assign Unique Identifier by piaware-config command below
# replace “12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc” by Unique Identifier of your existing station

sudo piaware-config feeder-id 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc 

#restart piaware 
sudo systemctl restart piaware

  1. For a new station, claim your Pi by logging in to your account and go to page:

Dump1090-fa can display terrain limit rings using data obtained from the website

(a) First you have to generate a panorama for your location. To do this, follow the steps in first post of the following thread:
What is the Maximum Range I can Get?

(b) Once your panorama is generated, look near the top left of your newly created panorama page. You will see URL of your panorama there. The URL will be http: // www . heywhatsthat . com/?view=XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is the ID for your panorama.

See screenshot below.

(c) Use following command to download the generated panorama’s JSON file “upintheair.json” to your RPi, and save it in the folder “/usr/share/dump1090-fa/html” (replace XXXXXXXX in the command below by your panorama’s ID).

sudo wget -O /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/upintheair.json ",12192"

You can create as many rings as you want by adding elevations (in meters) at the end of URL given in the wget command above after “&alts=”, separated by commas.

10,000 ft = 3048 m
20,000 ft = 6096 m
25,000 ft = 7620 m
30,000 ft = 9144 m
40,000 ft = 12192 m

Hence if you want to add all the 5 elevation rings noted above, the string at the end of wget URL will become “&alts=3048,6096,7620,9144,12192”

To keep map un-cluttered, I have used only 2 rings in the wget command above. i.e. the 10,000 feet (3048 meters), and 40,000 feet (12192 meters).
Use altitude in meters in the wget URL above.
Do NOT use feet.

(d) Reload your browser. Clear browser cache if necessary


Jessie Lite image + dump1090-fa + Piaware data feeder

  1. Insert microSD Card in your Desktop/Laptop’s card slot (or use a card reader plugged into USB Port).

  2. Format microSD Card

  3. Download Jessie Lite image (zip) on your Desktop/Laptop and unzip downloaded file

  4. Write the unzipped Jessie Lite image to microSD Card.

  5. After image is written, and microSD card is still in card reader of Desktop/Laptop, (a) Enable ssh (b) Configure WiFi

(a) To enable SSH:

In File Explorer, double click the drive letter of microSD card. This will open the folder /boot and show lots of files and some folders. Right click in /boot folder, and create a new blank file named ssh or ssh.txt

Mac: Open terminal and give following command
$ touch /Volumes/boot/ssh

(b) To enable Wifi on first boot (if required):

In File Explorer, double click the drive letter of microSD card. This will open the folder /boot and show lots of files and some folders. Right click in /boot folder and create a new blank file named wpa_supplicant.conf. If your Desktop/Laptop does not show file extensions, configure Windows File explorer to show file extensions. If the file has a hidden extension .txt, it will not enable wifi.

Alternatively you can create this file by giving following command in Windows command prompt console, which will create file with correct extension:
C:\Windows\System32>echo > M:\wpa_supplicant.conf
(Replace letter M by drive letter of your microSD Card in Windows)

Mac: Open terminal and give following command
$ touch /Volumes/boot/wpa_supplicant.conf
Open the Finder program. Select the Micro SD card device labeled piaware. Open the file “wpa_supplicant.conf” in TextEdit.

Windows & Mac: In the opened blank file wpa_supplicant.conf, copy paste following text:


Replace YOUR_SSID by your router’s wifi ssid, and YOUR_PASSWORD by your router’s wifi password.
Save file. On boot, wifi login info will be automatically copied into file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, enabling wifi on first boot.

  1. Remove microSD card from card reader, insert into Pi, and power up.

  2. Install Piaware 3.5.1 data feeder (add-on package install)

sudo dpkg -i piaware-repository_3.5.1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install piaware
sudo piaware-config allow-auto-updates yes
sudo piaware-config allow-manual-updates yes

8 ) Install dump1090-fa (add-on package install)

sudo apt-get install dump1090-fa
sudo reboot

(9) For retaining existing station number and it’s stats

First find and note down exixting station’s “Unique Identifier” which is in the format “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”. You can find it from any of these three places:

Easiest method, from your stats page:
Before re-imaging, from Pi: cat /var/log/piaware.log
Before re-imaging, from Pi: cat /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id

Once you have “Unique Identifier”, give following command after booting and SSH,

#delete the Unique Identifier in cache (which was assigned automatically at boot)
sudo rm /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id

#assign existing "Unique Identifier" by piaware-config command below
# replace “12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc” by Unique Identifier of your existing station

sudo piaware-config feeder-id 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc 

#Restart piaware 
sudo systemctl restart piaware

  1. For a new station, claim your Pi by logging in to your account and go to page:

Dump1090-fa can display terrain limit rings using data obtained from the website

list First you have to generate a panorama for your location. To do this, follow the steps in first post of the following thread:
What is the Maximum Range I can Get?

(b) Once your panorama is generated, look near the top left of your newly created panorama page. You will see URL of your panorama there. The URL will be http: // www . heywhatsthat . com/?view=XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is the ID for your panorama.

See screenshot below.

(c) Use following command to download the generated panorama’s JSON file “upintheair.json” to your RPi, and save it in the folder “/usr/share/dump1090-fa/html” (replace XXXXXXXX in the command below by your panorama’s ID).

sudo wget -O /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/upintheair.json ",12192"

You can create as many rings as you want by adding elevations (in meters) at the end of URL given in the wget command above after “&alts=”, separated by commas.

10,000 ft = 3048 m
20,000 ft = 6096 m
25,000 ft = 7620 m
30,000 ft = 9144 m
40,000 ft = 12192 m

Hence if you want to add all the 5 elevation rings noted above, the string at the end of wget URL will become “&alts=3048,6096,7620,9144,12192”

To keep map un-cluttered, I have used only 2 rings in the wget command above. i.e. the 10,000 feet (3048 meters), and 40,000 feet (12192 meters).
Use altitude in meters in the wget URL above.
Do NOT use feet.

(d) Reload your browser. Clear browser cache if necessary


1 Like

Jessie Lite image + dump1090-mutability + Piaware data feeder

(1) Insert microSD Card in your Desktop/Laptop’s card slot (or use a card reader plugged into USB Port).
(2) Format microSD Card.
(3) Download Jessie Lite image (zip) on your Desktop/Laptop and unzip downloaded file.
(4) Write the unzipped Jessie Lite image to microSD Card.
5) After image is written, and microSD card is still in card reader of Desktop/Laptop, (a) Enable ssh (b) Configure WiFi

(a) To enable SSH:

In File Explorer, double click the drive letter of microSD card. This will open the folder /boot and show lots of files and some folders. Right click in /boot folder, and create a new blank file named ssh or ssh.txt

Mac: Open terminal and give following command
$ touch /Volumes/boot/ssh

(b) To enable Wifi on first boot (if required):

In File Explorer, double click the drive letter of microSD card. This will open the folder /boot and show lots of files and some folders. Right click in /boot folder and create a new blank file named wpa_supplicant.conf. If your Desktop/Laptop does not show file extensions, configure Windows File explorer to show file extensions. If the file has a hidden extension .txt, it will not enable wifi.

Alternatively you can create this file by giving following command in Windows command prompt console, which will create file with correct extension:
C:\Windows\System32>echo > M:\wpa_supplicant.conf
(Replace letter M by drive letter of your microSD Card in Windows)

Mac: Open terminal and give following command
$ touch /Volumes/boot/wpa_supplicant.conf
Open the Finder program. Select the Micro SD card device labeled piaware. Open the file “wpa_supplicant.conf” in TextEdit.

Windows & Mac: In the opened blank file wpa_supplicant.conf, copy paste following text:


Replace YOUR_SSID by your router’s wifi ssid, and YOUR_PASSWORD by your router’s wifi password.
Save file. On boot, wifi login info will be automatically copied into file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, enabling wifi on first boot.

(6) Remove microSD card from card reader, insert into Pi, power up, and SSH.

(7) Install dump1090-mutability v1.15~dev

Below is a step-by-step method to built & install dump1090-mutability_1.15~dev from source code, and then steps to install data feeders FR24, FA, and PF.


sudo apt-get update

STEP-2: INSTALL PRE REQUISIT PACKAGES (needed to build, and needed to fulfill dependencies)

sudo apt-get install -y git
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
sudo apt-get install -y debhelper
sudo apt-get install -y rtl-sdr
sudo apt-get install -y librtlsdr-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config
sudo apt-get install -y fakeroot
sudo apt-get install -y curl
sudo apt-get install -y cron
sudo apt-get install -y lighttpd


cd ~/
sudo mkdir install-dump
cd install-dump
sudo git clone

Note: This is a lengthy process, and seems to freez at several occasions. Please be patient, and let the process take it’s time to finish.

cd ~/install-dump/dump1090
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b


cd ~/install-dump
sudo dpkg -i dump1090-mutability_1.15~dev_*.deb


sudo lighty-enable-mod dump1090
sudo systemctl force-reload lighttpd


sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability

For most settings, accept default settings by pressing “Enter”.
For following settings, enter values as shown:
(a) RTL-SDR dongle to use: 0
(b) Your receiver’s Latitude (in decimal format): xx.xxxx
(c) Your receiver’s Longitude (in decimal format): yy.yyyy
(d) Interface address to bind to (blank for all interfaces): remove default and leave blank.

For advance users:Alternatively, you can change the settings by editing the configuration file shown below:

sudo nano /etc/default/dump1090-mutability
#after making changes, save file and exit 
#restart dump1090-mutability
sudo systemctl restart dump1090-mutability

(8) Install Piaware 3.5 data feeder (add-on package install)

sudo dpkg -i piaware-repository_3.5.1_all.deb
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install piaware

sudo piaware-config allow-auto-updates yes
sudo piaware-config allow-manual-updates yes

#now restart piaware
sudo systemctl restart piaware

(9) For retaining existing station number and it’s stats

First find and note down existing station’s “Unique Identifier” which is in the format “xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”. You can find it from any of these three places:

Easiest method, from your stats page:
Before re-imaging, from Pi: cat /var/log/piaware.log
Before re-imaging, from Pi: cat /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id

Once you have “Unique Identifier”, give following command after booting and SSH,

#delete the "Unique Identifier" in cache (which was assigned automatically at boot)
sudo rm /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id

#assign existing "Unique Identifier" by piaware-config command below
# replace “12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc” by Unique Identifier of your existing station

sudo piaware-config feeder-id 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc 

#Restart piaware 
sudo systemctl restart piaware

(10) For a new station, claim your Pi by logging in to your account and go to page:

Dump1090-mutability v1.15~dev can display terrain limit rings using data obtained from the website

(a) First you have to generate a panorama for your location. To do this, follow the steps in first post of the following thread:
What is the Maximum Range I can Get?

(b) Once your panorama is generated, look near the top left of your newly created panorama page. You will see URL of your panorama there. The URL will be http: // www . heywhatsthat . com/?view=XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is the ID for your panorama.

See screenshot below.

(c) Use following command to download the generated panorama’s JSON file “upintheair.json” to your RPi, and save it in the folder “/usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html” (replace XXXXXXXX in the command below by your panorama’s ID).

sudo wget -O /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/upintheair.json ",12192"

You can create as many rings as you want by adding elevations (in meters) at the end of URL given in the wget command above after “&alts=”, separated by commas.

10,000 ft = 3048 m
20,000 ft = 6096 m
25,000 ft = 7620 m
30,000 ft = 9144 m
40,000 ft = 12192 m

Hence if you want to add all the 5 elevation rings noted above, the string at the end of wget URL will become “&alts=3048,6096,7620,9144,12192”

To keep map un-cluttered, I have used only 2 rings in the wget command above. i.e. the 10,000 feet (3048 meters), and 40,000 feet (12192 meters).
Use altitude in meters in the wget URL above.
Do NOT use feet.

(d) RESTART dump1090-mutability

sudo systemctl restart dump1090-mutability




    To install Plane Finder Client, enter these commands in console:

sudo dpkg -i pfclient_3.7.20_armhf.deb

The above version is current as on June 10, 2017.
For latest version check this page:

After installation is complete as above, type *http: //:30053/setup.html *in your browser, and follow instructions on the page opened. The will be something like and can be found from your router setup.

Choose option to request sharecode, if you don’t already have one. Planefinder will send it to you by email. After you receive sharecode, you can enter it on above page and complete your configuration.

During configuration,enter:
Receiver Lat: Your Latitude in decimal format
Receiver Lon: Your Longitude in decimal format
Click “Assign Share Code”

This will open a new page. On this page enter:
Receiver Data Format: Beast
How are you connecting to your receiver: Network
IP Address:
Port Number: 30005
Click “Complete configuration”

PF Client web interfaces:
After SETUP is complete and pfclient is up & running, you can see following in your computer’s browser.
http:// :30053/map.html (shows planes on Google Map)
http:// :30053/stats.html (shows stats of your receiver)
http:// :30053/logs.html (shows logs of your receiver)

( will be something like . Obtain exact value from your router settings)
Install FR24 feeder using command below.
After installation is done, it will present a signup wizard, asking for email, sharing key, latitude, longitude, antenna height etc.

sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"

The above method is current as on April 08, 2017.
For latest instructions, please visit this page:

Post Install configuration/Re-configuration of FR24 feeder
METHOD-1: The FR24 Feeder can be configured on the page http://:8754/settings.html.
The “Receiver” and “Host/IP” setting should be either “ModeS Beast(TCP),” or “AVR(TCP),”

METHOD-2: Re-configuration can also be done through SSH

~ $ sudo fr24feed --reconfigure

It will ask choice for receiver configuration. ENTER VALUES SHOWN IN RED BELOW

Step 4.1 - Receiver selection:
1 - DVBT Stick (USB)

2 - SBS1/SBS1er (USB/Network)
3 - SBS3 (USB/Network)
4 - ModeS Beast (USB/Network)
5 - AVR Compatible (DVBT over network, etc)
6 - microADSB (USB/Network)
7 - SBSx via Basestation (localhost:30006)
Enter your receiver type (1-7)$: 4

Step 4.2 - Please select connection type:
1 - Network connection
2 - USB directly to this computer
Enter your connection type (1-2)$: 1

Step 4.3A - Please enter your receiver’s IP address/hostname

Step 4.3B - Please enter your receiver’s data port number
$: 30005

Step 5.1 - Would you like to enable RAW data feed on port 30002 (yes/no)$:no

Step 5.2 - Would you like to enable Basestation data feed on port 30003 (yes/no)$:no

Step 6A - Please select desired logfile mode:
0 - Disabled
1 - 48 hour, 24h rotation
2 - 72 hour, 24h rotation
Select logfile mode (0-2)$:0

Step 6B - Please enter desired logfile path (/var/log):

After reconfiguration, restart fr24feed

~$ sudo service fr24feed restart


(1) Install required packages to build and to fulfil dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y git curl build-essential debhelper
sudo apt-get install -y python-dev
sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev
sudo apt-get install -y netcat

(2) Create a new directory and clone the source of mlat-client

sudo mkdir ~/adsbexchange
cd ~/adsbexchange
sudo git clone

(3) Move into source directory and build the .deb package

cd ~/adsbexchange/mlat-client
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc

(4) Move to the directory where built .deb package is located, and install the package

cd ~/adsbexchange
sudo dpkg -i  mlat-client_*_armhf.deb

To check mlat client has been installed

dpkg-query -W  mlat-client

#above command will give following output
mlat-client     version number

(5) To start a connection for ads-b feed from Pi to adsbexchange:

(a) Create a new file “”.

sudo nano ~/adsbexchange/

(b) Download Word document “” from link below, and copy-paste code from it to new blank file “” in nano editor.

(c) Save the file and exit editor

(d) Make the file executable by changing permission.

sudo chmod +x ~/adsbexchange/

(6) To start a connection for mlat feed & feedback between Pi and adsbexchange:

(a) Create a new file “”.

sudo nano ~/adsbexchange/

(b) Download Word document “” from link below, and copy-paste code from it to new blank file “” in nano editor.

NOTE: Replace xx.xxxx, yy.yyyy and zzz by your receiver’s latitude, longitude, and elevation above sea (meters).
Also replace your-user-name by the user name you want to assign to your feed.

(c) Save the file and exit editor

(d) Make the file executable by changing its permission

sudo chmod +x ~/adsbexchange/

(7) For automatic start of adsbexchange feed at boot:

(a) Open file “rc.local” for editing

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

(b) In file “rc.local” add these two lines ABOVE last line (above exit 0)

/home/pi/adsbexchange/ &

/home/pi/adsbexchange/ &

(c) Save the file and exit.

(d) Reboot for adsbexchange feed to start

sudo reboot

(8) Segregation of MLAT Feedbacks of Flightaware and Adsbexchange

Both Flightaware & Adsbexchange MLAT feedback are connected to port 30104. This results in duplicate display of planes, and sometimes jumping also.

In order to segregate Adsbexchange and Flightaware feedbacks, and to independently watch MLAT feed from Adsbexchange, the MLAT feedback of adsbexchange can be disconnected from dump1090 and re-directed to VRS on Windows/Mac Desktop by editing the file “mlat. sh”

sudo nano ~/adsbexchange/

Change following part:
–results beast,connect,
–results beast,connect,192.168.xx.xx:30104
where 192.168.xx.xx is Local IP of Windows/Mac Desktop running VRS.

A “push” receiver is then to be configured on VRS on Windows/Mac Desktop to receive Adsbexchange’s mlat feed at port 30104





A tutorial how to feed OpenSky Network can be found here: … 090-feeder

For an existing dump1090 installation you just need these two commands:

sudo dpkg -i opensky-feeder_latest_armhf.deb

Then enter your position, altitude and your OpenSky user name.

1 Like

Thanks for this. looks like it could do with some more stations up north in the UK.

Very easy step by step instructions to prepare a new Pi from scratch.
Tried all three options (option-1, option-2 & option-3).
All installs worked like a charm.

could the Admins make this thread Sticky?

Hello my friends :wink:

Is it possible to take the following USB sticks?

  • Terratec Cinergy T-Stick (/lib/firmware/dvb-usb-af9015.fw)
  • (noname) DVB-T USB Stick (/lib/firmware/af9005.fw)

I’m an owner of a RaspberryPi and I still have a couple of DVB-T sticks and since Germany replaced the old MPEG2 standard by MPEG4, I can’t use the old sticks no longer for my local TV receiption. So I bought a newer DVB-T2 stick therefor.

And then I had an idea to try the old sticks inside the Raspberry to check some ADS-B receiption. I’m living close to the Berlin-Schoenefeld SXF airport (some people still believe in the bigger Berlin-Brandenburg airport BER right beside the old SXF) and would like to see and transmit my data to the FlightAware server.

But it doesn’t work as it seems :cry:
I always get the following message about the wrong hardware :frowning:

$ dump1090-fa
Sun May 7 13:43:50 2017 CEST dump1090-fa 3.5.0 starting up.
rtlsdr: no supported devices found.

Eventually, somebody could help me to find the failure. So here you can see some informations about my hardware and software:

RaspberryPi 3 Model B with 1GB RAM

$ uname -a
Linux RASPI 4.9.24-v7+ #993 SMP Wed Apr 26 18:01:23 BST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0ccd:0097 TerraTec Electronic GmbH Cinergy T RC MKII

$ dmesg | grep usb
2.824195] usb 1-1.4: new high-speed USB device number 5 using dwc_otg
2.959314] usb 1-1.4: New USB device found, idVendor=0ccd, idProduct=0097
2.959336] usb 1-1.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
2.959347] usb 1-1.4: Product: USB2.0 DVB-T TV Stick
2.959355] usb 1-1.4: Manufacturer: NEWMI
2.959363] usb 1-1.4: SerialNumber: 010101010600001
2.966084] input: NEWMI USB2.0 DVB-T TV Stick as /devices/platform/soc/3f980000.usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.4/1-1.4:1.1/0003:0CCD:0097.0003/input/input2
3.035125] hid-generic 0003:0CCD:0097.0003: input,hidraw2: USB HID v1.01 Keyboard [NEWMI USB2.0 DVB-T TV Stick] on usb-3f980000.usb-1.4/input1
3.315350] usbcore: registered new interface driver brcmfmac
3.462779] usb 1-1.4: dvb_usb_v2: found a ‘TerraTec Cinergy T Stick RC’ in cold state
3.483004] usb 1-1.4: dvb_usb_v2: downloading firmware from file ‘dvb-usb-af9015.fw’
3.565543] usb 1-1.4: dvb_usb_v2: found a ‘TerraTec Cinergy T Stick RC’ in warm state
4.084373] usb 1-1.4: dvb_usb_v2: will pass the complete MPEG2 transport stream to the software demuxer
4.121696] usb 1-1.4: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Afatech AF9013)…
4.204806] input: TerraTec Cinergy T Stick RC as /devices/platform/soc/3f980000.usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.4/rc/rc0/input4
4.205802] rc rc0: TerraTec Cinergy T Stick RC as /devices/platform/soc/3f980000.usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.4/rc/rc0
4.205817] usb 1-1.4: dvb_usb_v2: schedule remote query interval to 500 msecs
4.205833] usb 1-1.4: dvb_usb_v2: ‘TerraTec Cinergy T Stick RC’ successfully initialized and connected
4.205970] usbcore: registered new interface driver dvb_usb_af9015

and the other stick…

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 15a4:9020 Afatech Technologies, Inc.

$ dmesg | grep usb
2.644247] usb 1-1.4: new full-speed USB device number 5 using dwc_otg
2.790127] usb 1-1.4: New USB device found, idVendor=15a4, idProduct=9020
2.790145] usb 1-1.4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0
2.790153] usb 1-1.4: Product: DVBT
2.790161] usb 1-1.4: Manufacturer: Afatech
3.324314] usbcore: registered new interface driver brcmfmac
4.435557] dvb-usb: found a ‘Afatech DVB-T USB1.1 stick’ in cold state, will try to load a firmware
4.437582] dvb-usb: downloading firmware from file ‘af9005.fw’
4.807940] dvb-usb: found a ‘Afatech DVB-T USB1.1 stick’ in warm state.
4.808453] dvb-usb: will use the device’s hardware PID filter (table count: 32).
4.815565] usb 1-1.4: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (AF9005 USB DVB-T)…
4.821406] dvb-usb: Afatech DVB-T USB1.1 stick successfully initialized and connected.
4.821579] usbcore: registered new interface driver dvb_usb_af9005

thanks =)

Unlikely. librtlsdr knows how to talk to a 2832 only.

(It is not the “DVB” part of the dongle that is interesting; someone worked out that the DAB digital radio support on 2832s was done by putting the 2832 into a basic SDR mode and doing the decoding in software, and it went from there)

thank you =)

that means, both my sticks do not work, I guess :frowning:

I had an old msi stick with an af9015 and a terratec cinema xs stick, both did not work. This lead to buying a cheap usb stick on amazon marketplace, decided I liked flight tracking and have never looked back since…

I used option 3 from your really nice details, but i’m having trouble getting the webserver to start… ?

 systemctl status lighttpd.service
● lighttpd.service - Lighttpd Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lighttpd.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2017-06-12 19:35:28 BST; 5min ago
  Process: 1589 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/lighttpd -t -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (code=exited, status=255)

Any thoughts?

If you faced this problem while installing on Orange Pi / Armbian 5.25, here is the workaround:


Hi abcd567,

Yup, saw that in your reply to my other thread re installing to HDD - did that when I first installed.
The fact that I still got the 403 etc leads me to think:

  1. Something changed it back / reset it
  2. That’s not the solution in this case

Unfortunately, cant check as I’ve now flattened that SD and started again.

NB - I’m installing JP’s ADSBReceiver scripts on top of your Mutability instructions - I take it there’s no conflict there?


In Orange Pi/Armbian 5.25, the ramlog need to be disabled BEFORE installation of lighttpd.
If lighttpd was already installed, lighttpd should be removed first, then ramlog disabled, and then lighttpd reinstalled.

sudo dpkg --remove lighttpd
sudo dpkg --purge lighttpd
#now disable ramlog by changing Enabled=true to Enabled=false in file /etc/default/log2ram
sudo apt-get install lighttpd

In case of dump1090-fa, the lighttpd is installed with it to fulfill dependency. Hence removal of lighttpd is not allowed, and dump1090-fa is to be removed first, then lighttpd, then ramlog disabled, then dump1090-fa reinstalled.

Only few days ago, I made a fresh install exactly as Option-3, then installed data feeders of fr24 & planefinder as in my post “Additional Feeders” (located just after Option-3 post).

I then run Joe Prochazka’s script to install Web Portal / Graphs only, and said no to all offers to upgrade already installed mutability and data feeders. The install was successful.

UPDATED on 2017/07/16, in accordance with following update:

How PiAware feeders are identified (updated 2017/07/16)

Don’t forget about feeding to too.