My feed is offline, and i need assistance

my Pi is not getting an IP. when the Pi boots i can see on the monitor there are mount point errors. do i need a fresh install? if so, how do i get the newest ISO again? any troubleshooting suggestions are appreciated.

Sounds a bit like the sd-card might have died.
You can first try just writing a new image to the current sd-card, but using a new sd-card doesn’t hurt either.

Writing the sd-card image and configuring it is explained here:
PiAware - build your own ADS-B ground station for integration with FlightAware - FlightAware

If you want to keep the station number, also read this: For Beginners - How to Get Back Existing Station Number in A Fresh Install

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Agree with wiedehopf, writing a new image good idea, often so much quicker than trying to resolve a problem.

As PiAware lot smaller than a normal image meant for desktop displays etc it certainly doesn’t take long.
