A power failure here corrupted my stations SD card and damaged the Pi 3b.
I have another 3b running now with the latest Pi software on a new SD card.
The receiver is working as I can see aircraft ADSB positions on the PiAware SkyAware screen but the indicators on My ADS-b section: PiAware FlightAware and MLAT are all red, so not data is being transmitted.
Can anyone help me get back up and running, please?
Good news and some other news.
I changed the SD card to one that I had compiled from the Etcher today and having discovered the password located the config file and added feeder-id and the number at the end of the file, rebooted and I can now see a working FA with three greens on a remote PC.
I never used the sudo systemctl restart piaware line.
The other news is I have a Pi that does not runthe Raspberry OS, which is a waste.
When it comes to linux/Raspberry Pi I feel not so much a test pilot than a crash test dummy.
the sudo systemctl restart piaware line restarts the proces, that will pick up changes to the configuration file.
So that is easier and faster then rebooting the system as a whole.