Reactivating an old receiver station from about a year ago -- all is working now!

I’m trying to get my old receiver station working again after having it offline for about a year. It appears to be running, but I am not seeing any stats associated with the last registered feeder ID that shows up when I run piaware-status. My flightaware stats page shows “No Such ADS-B Site”, and the claim page says: “Unfortunately, FlightAware hasn’t found a new, unclaimed PiAware feeder to claim.”. Also, piaware-status shows everything running except for fa-mlat-client. Any idea what’s wrong?

I see that my old site was removed due to inactivity after 30 days, according to this faq: So how do I establish a new one?

I saw this posting: For Beginners - How to Get Back Existing Station Number in A Fresh Install, but the feeder ID that I last used is still configured in the piaware that is running. In this case, I’m trying to run an “old” install that was unused for over a year.

piaware status:
pi@raspberry:~ $ sudo piaware-status
PiAware master process (piaware) is running with pid 26846.
PiAware ADS-B client (faup1090) is running with pid 27016.
PiAware mlat client (fa-mlat-client) is not running.
Local ADS-B receiver (dump1090-fa) is running with pid 436.

dump1090-fa (pid 436) is listening for connections on port 30005.
faup1090 is connected to the ADS-B receiver.
piaware is connected to FlightAware.

dump1090 is producing data on localhost:30005.

Thanks in advance.

Never mind! Found the solution here:

Not seeing any positions!! Is that possible (no air traffic around SFO)?

Remember that you can always to to the main FlightAware page ( and zoom in to your location to get an idea which aircraft you should be seeing.

Bizarrely, it actually looks like there isn’t anything going on at SFO right now. I can’t remember ever seeing anything like that.

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Easiest - wait until there is something you “should” be able to here.

Suggest you edit your post above and remove/ obfuscate your UUID. If someone else uses it, you’ll never know why site behaves strangely.

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Thanks for that tip. Now I’m seeing positions. Not sure what the problem was, but now everything looks good. All problems resolved!

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