Any interesting trends from Covid-19

Not been watching for long enough to say traffic is up but have noticed a fair number of hospital helos and turboprops flying in my area.

Well, maybe just remove the x squared term …

Easyjet moving planes from Porto (OPO) to somewhere else.

Easyjet are grounding their fleet completely, but the UK government announced today that they are going to be organising repatriation flights using several UK carriers, so possibly they are involved with that.

“Somewhere else“ turned out to be Berlin SFX.

Three of them, OE-INF, OE-IJH, OE-IJD seem to got stuck in Porto on the 22./ 23.

OE-LKH landed in Berlin on the 22. and stayed there, and flew today, from Berlin to Nice, to Porto and back. There was supposed to be a flight to Nice today, but that was cancelled, so probably they were picking stranded passengers or crew members, or flying out crew members to bring the aircraft back to a base.

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Well now, I’ll contribute a room I frequent, but that has always been the case being the good domestic engineer/goddess that I am…

I guess a man made this list ?

KIT - kitchen, where i make magic happen for my hubby.


Middle part of Sweden is even less crowded than before:

I usually have a fair number of European flights to/from Asia and some from the middle east to the US. Those are almost all gone, just a few cargo transports per day right now.

I wonder how long it will take before we see the same number of flights again, my guess is that it will take quite some time due to prolonged restrictions on international travel.

Aircraft up by 7.9% from Sunday to Monday
Messages down by 2% from Sunday to Monday

I was surprised to see a slight increase in aircraft yesterday, it was looking to be lower but then there was a slight peak around 22:00 which I didn’t see on Sunday evening

Actually - it was a lady. :laughing:


TLT - Toilet
SHW - Shower
FBK - Facebook
TLV = Television
SLP - Sleep

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Here in Mauritius we want to know what an aeroplane looks like as we have forgotten. It has flat-lined full stop the only thing being recorded are either LOON BALLOONS or the local coast guard small aircraft. We are expecting one mercy flight to repatriate some French people later in the week otherwise we have ZERO activity . In fact the automatic message from Flight Aware about the unit inactivty has appeared several times recently


From the tested cases. Only acute cases get to be tested now, mild or asymptomatic don’t get counted.

Another “convoy”, two Airbus Beluga, probably flying back to France?!

Never “seen” those before, but they probably fly this route regularly.


Thank you. Guess not many are spending time cooking. KIT is my second favorite destination in the domicile. HTB might be the first. (hottub)

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I fly out of Concord NC and I was told today that Allegiant Airline has cut back on its flights. :face_with_monocle:

Normally at this time of day I would see 20-30 commercial passenger jets coming and going.

Today there is one but a lot of light planes flying interesting patterns.

Probably flight schools.


Germany seem to have reached the bottom. Most of these flights were carrier/cargo.

Aircraft up by 2.6% from Monday to Tuesday
Messages up by 4.6% from Monday to Tuesday