Any interesting trends from Covid-19

Look what I found last night!

April 1


That is awesome !!
I have always wondered if the ISS was ADS-B equipped.
Fantastic !!

But why does that entry look ā€œeditedā€ ?? :thinking: :thinking:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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What day is it again? :thinking:


It ainā€™t Xmas, I canā€™t see any presents

:rofl: :rofl:
Completely forgot about that.
OK - I was had.

Damn !!


Go to your calendar and check what date we have today :wink:


Came here to say my traffic is way down and I might have water intrusion again. Went from a high of 534k down to 182k yesterday. I guess itā€™s down for everyone.

I think you can be pretty confident itā€™s not water intrusion.


Annotation 2020-04-01 160826

next to nothingā€¦

air photography or corona scans?

Damn, you were faster with that :rofl: :joy:

CoVid19 has unloaded my receiver, a good test if an undesired one.
In more normal times my 1090 MHz site peaks at about 2,000 messages / second and about 380 aircraft. Max range peaks about 230 nmi, minimum around zero as helicopters pass overhead.
I suspected even with the Airspy mini and a Pi4 clocked at 1800 MHz signal overlap might be limiting reception of weaker signals.
Now, the site peak traffic is well under half that, and the max range peak is just about as before. So I qualitatively concluded Iā€™m not range limited by traffic density.

Indoor plants growing generate an IR signatureā€¦ Plants might be useful against boredom.

I note the same, though I have not changed my gain or anything.
I did notice one other thing, qualitatively and anecdotally. I also feed Planefinder. The stats page reports that I have half of the messages as DF-17 messages. That I think is more than it was a month or so ago. I thought i used to be more like a third of all incoming messages were DF-17. Unfortunately, in the absence of hard data I have to rely on my memory.

Makes sense, DF-17 is in a Mode S ADS-B reply and at least in the USA the deadline for that implementation was the first of this year.

so that would not be a traffic density related change then.

Snapped just now from my VRS ( 17:47z (18:47 local time). Thereā€™s normally more traffic than this at 02:00 in the morning!

FlightFeeder station in South Africa. Lockdown started at Midnight on Thursday. Station has been powered and online throughout. Just very little air traffic. It seems today will be the day many loose there ā€œonlineā€ streaks.
