Whats your favorite airport?

Just making a post to see what it is that GA pilots love/hate about airports. And where is your favorite airport located? I’ll start


my favorite “Essex County Airport / Caldwell NJ”

“Super service, close to the city and easy ATC sequencing in and out of the airport. I would not hesitate to recommend this airport and facility to anyone coming into the New York City area.”

Do you live in NJ?

This has been covered. Use the (&$&(#$ search feature to find the topic.

Yes, I posted on this topic somewhere else as well. Is it easy to get into Manhatten from Essex County? I consider that a major issue with NYC area airports. I’ve tried Morristown (but I wasn’t going into Manhatten that time) and Teterboro. Morristown is great because in addition to everything else, customs is on the field. I hear that you can get to NJT easily then it is a straight shot into Manhatten. Teterboro for being the closest to the city, it actually quite difficult to manage; the best bet is to rent a car which of course will be worse than useless once you get to Manhatten. My final point about NYC and general aviation is that it is a good idea to be current and comfortable at night. What fun it is to pick up a clearance at 2330 and be under way 15 minutes later. You will wait a long time for a clearance in the New York area during the day.

Even though this has been a topic already my favorite airports are CLE, BTV, BNA not in any order I like them all the same.

I like ORD SFO and DAY.

I haven’t been to any of them but on June 30th my dad and I were driving out to Manitwoc WI from BTV and we were on I80 the toll road that passes ORD we were stuck in traffic so I saw a lot of flights in and out of there including a United 777 which was cool because it flew just infront of our truck.

Well they are doing some construction on the Dan Ryan so we bypass all the backups and go around on 294. You can see a lot from that interstate.

Well we heard it was quicker going on 80 but that was yahoo maps. On the way back we took the skyway through the outside of the city which was GREAT i loved the views and to pass the white sox stadium even though i’m a redsox fan. But yeah I would like to fly into ORD.

I flew in a night and couldn’t see a thing…

But we drove during the day and saw everthing on the skyway highway. I havn’t flown in there but i want to.

Nice, I like to go over to the long term parking lot myself and spot.

We’re discussing GA airports.

Remember the rule about what happens after a thread stays on topic for more than five posts?

The initial poster should have spelled out General Aviation rather than abbreviate it to GA. It’s easy to miss such a short abbreviation when reading the post.

As some of you know, I think it’s just laziness or lack of typing skills when people use abbreviations. The correct way, in my opinion, is to spell out the abbreviation the first (or only) time it is used. followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis. This is especially true when it comes to abbreviations that can be ambiguous. “GA airports” can refer to General Aviation airports or Georgia airports.

Since some people arn’t a pilot. They might not have even seen or been to a GA (General Aviation not Georgia Airport) airport.

Good point. You said in fewer words the point I was trying to get at.

Well the sub title for this part of the forums states

Pilots of GA aircraft

Which can be misleading.

Sorry But I don’t know what a GA airport is or means. I’ll search for it to see if I can get an answer.