I was having power issues running both a 1090 and 978 dongle plugged directly into my Pi. I added a powered USB hub to the mix and when I started it all back up, both the dongle plugged into the Pi and the dongle on the USB hub worked fine. Overnight, the stick on the USB hub (orange SDR) disappeared from the system. However, it does show up in an lsusb output under Port1: Dev 3 (I think).
/: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=dwc_otg/1p, 480M
|__ Port 1: Dev 2, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/5p, 480M
|__ Port 1: Dev 3, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=smsc95xx, 480M
|__ Port 3: Dev 5, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 480M
|__ Port 4: Dev 6, If 0, Class=Hub, Driver=hub/4p, 480M
|__ Port 4: Dev 4, If 0, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=usbfs, 480M
This device kept disappearing while plugged directly into the Pi and I assumed it was a power issue as I would get undervolt messages all the time. Powering the Pi with a different power supply fixed the undervolt issues.
Do I have a bad SDR? Should the USB device be recognized without any special addressing due to it being on the hub? I haven’t power cycled the hub yet as I am remote and can’t get to it.