This plane is a busy one

Take at the history, it hops all over the place daily.

Chevron registered, which explains the locations.

I’ve been keeping tracking of this one and it’s brother CVR1. They are busy bees!

I was reading a Gulfstream corporate blurb the other day… Chevron’s G150s are the highest time, highest cycle of all G150s. One of them has over 3000 hours at an average of over 1000 hours a year.

They don’t really utilize the long legs of the G-150.

I was told that they use them as shuttles to various oil and gas assets. And that they are configured for up to nine passengers. That many peeps in a G200 is tight…

I wonder if they’ve heard of the King Air?

Or that plastic pasta rocket that CFIJames drives?

Because they need speed…

Or the Citation X

That is my type of flying, short quick hops.

For Chevron’s type of flying the X offers no tangible speed/time advantage vs. a much higher overall cost. Apples to apples, a X is much more expensive to acquire, maintain, and operate vs. a G150.

A hippy:
I feel the need…
The need for weed!

A hemophiliac:
I feel the need…
The need to bleed!

A criminal (in court):
I feel the need…
The need to plead!

A stock broker:
I feel the need…
The need for greed!

A president:
I feel the need…
The need to lead!

Do they operate G-IV/G-V’s?

They have 3 G550s and a GIV…among a Beech 1900, a DHC-2 Beaver, and a bunch of rotorcraft…

Gee, I wonder how they can afford the fuel to operate that many A/C? :wink:

Oops :blush:

They invest their massive oil profits into big pharma, insurance companies and of course pay offs to Congress. With the change they fly their Gulfstreams.

I have a feeling that a reliable airplane is very important to this operation, so the P.180 probably wouldn’t be the right choice.

I am showing that they are operating 38 aircraft

BELL-430 5
BELL-427 5

I was looking at the flight activity for the G550s wow! Think they over-utilize the little g150’s the 550s are all over the map.

Do you have the flight ID’s for the IVSP and 550? I’m thinking the helicopters are not usually on IFR flight plans but if you have those, too, it would be greatly appreciated.