Script assist

Hi all, not a linux programmer at all but, with help, get by. Help!! A bias t V3 dongle script for turning on bias t, after turning off 1090 mutability. V3 script below to turn on bias t:

git clone GitHub - rtlsdrblog/rtl_biast: Bias tee software for the V3 Dongle
cd rtl_biast
mkdir build
cd build
cmake …
cd src
./rtl_biast -b 1

If you want to be able to run the bias tee program from anywhere on the command line you can also run “sudo make install”

I can get this working, but, have to go through the laborious task of cd’ing to rtl_sdr then cd build then cd src THEN applying the start script ./rtl_biast -b 1. Now you will note above, the creator does give you the option of the starting script anywhere on the command line by running sudo make install, BUT doesn’t actually show the script.

Can someone help please

hi jlb56

i used the v3 briefely so dont know it in depth.
followed the site instructions and I added the following line to /etc/rc.local
sudo /home/pi/rtl_biast/build/src/rtl_biast -b 1 &
to avoid cd etc all the time and had it run before other programs like mutability.
fyi with every reboot v3 ‘resets itself’ (dont know if on a powered usb hub though) hence the need to run the command very often, and rc.local takes care of that.

the source files are in the /home/pi/rtl_biast/build/src/ directory (folder).


Thanks for your input. If used again, I will try your script with the V3. I have opted to continue to use old faithfuls proplus and plus + :slight_smile: