Same user, 2 devices (one 1090, one 978), combining stats

I’m guessing this isn’t a functionality (yet), but would offer it as both a question and a suggestion.

I have a RPi feeder on 1090 that operates under pretty heavy load (it’s in a very active place). I wanted to add UAT/978, but noticed that if I put it on the same device with a separate SDR stick, the flight collection dropped off a bit on 1090. I’m guessing it’s due to processor strain, power strain, or combinations of those and other things. So I used a spare RPi 3+ to just do UAT.

I have them at the same site under my same username, but in the FlightAware stats, they show up as separate lines. Any chance there’s a way to unify the receivers so that they show together under here as though they were coming from the same RPi:


If not, perhaps a suggestion for the coders…


Use feeder id of 1090 Pi (SITE 35253) on 978 Pi (SITE 182246) also, i.e. both Pis to have same feeder id.



In 978 Pi

sudo systemctl stop piaware
sudo systemctl mask piaware

sudo systemctl stop dump1090-fa   
sudo systemctl mask dump1090-fa  

sudo systemctl enable dump978-fa 
sudo systemctl start dump978-fa 

sudo reboot


In 1090 Pi
Note: in the 3rd command below, in place of 192.168.xx.xx, use your 978 Pi’s actual local IP

sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type other

sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-host 192.168.xx.xx

sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-port 30978

sudo systemctl restart piaware  



No, don’t do that, using the same feeder ID on more than one device produces confusing results.

This is a better approach, run one piaware and tell it to fetch 978 data from the other host that runs dump978.



Yesterday when I posted the Option-2 above, I have not tested it.
Today I have replicated @joemosch’s setup.
Used two RPis and two spare microSD cards, on both of these microSD cards I wrote Piaware SD Card images. Plugged 1090 dongle in one Pi and 978 dongle in other Pi. Slipped these microSD cards in test RPis, booted, and configured them with two different feeder-ids.

Next used method in my above post, Option-2 and it worked perfectly well. :slightly_smiling_face:



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Thanks, all. I have to give this a shot this week. (I need to get to the roof and grab the units since I haven’t had ssh enabled.) Really appreciate it!


This appears to have worked! Thanks all. I just reconfigured everything per the above, and the first flight showed up on the unified username. I won’t have much on UAT until later in the weekend, since the 2nd unit needs to go into a drybox before it goes back to the roof, and we have a storm coming tonight… cheers!











Hey Joe…I’m in the same situation as you are/were regarding running 978 &1090 RPi/receivers side by side at my location.
I stumbled through getting the 978 configured OK, with the exception of the MLAT not working for some reason.
I’m at work right now, otherwise I’d post the log showing the issue with that.
So I understand correctly, I’ll just need to cut/paste the configuration settings listed above by abcd567 for the 978 &1090 receivers?
Thanks for any input you can share.

I am not sure if you can do it (or should do it) all via config file - I did it via SSH.

You can follow the instructions in the piaware setup pages if you don’t have SSH enabled already, but all you need to do is put a blank file named “ssh” (no extensions) in the config directory of the piaware builds. Then, at your computer, you can use a program like PuTTY to access the two RPi setups over your home internet (accessing the IPs of each device on your local network), login, and run those above commands line by line. Once they’re run, you’re done.

If you are having issues with the 978, as long as you have the feeder ID saved so you don’t have to start over on stats, if it were me I’d just do a fresh build and see what happens, and make sure it’s stable and working as expected before you run the above commands. I don’t know what might be causing the MLAT issue, but it does need to sit for a little bit for that to sync up.


Thank you very much for your prompt reply Joe!

Since posting my question earlier, Tech Support has told me that there is no MLAT on 978mHz, so I guess I don’t have a problem there after all.

Thanks much for your input about ‘Putty’. I tried to connect to my RPi through SSH previously, but I reckon I wasn’t doing something correctly.
I’ll give it another few tries and see how that goes.




For Beginners - How-to SSH to RPi - Setup Putty in Windows




Thanks again A!

I am using the IP for my Pi as listed on the main ADS-B page. I already knew what it was, but I have confirmed it in this, and other ways as well.
As far as configuring my SD card properly, I have tried ssh, SSH, and SSH yes, with no different outcome when trying to connect that way.

To make this even more frustrating for me, since trying my last attempts at enabling an ssh connection, my PiAware Info page now shows the 978 UAT radio “not connected to receiver” and I haven’t loaded any data since Wednesday the 21st.

The thought has crossed my mind to delete my account, and attempt to start from zero, but I’m working in unfamiliar terrirtory, and am not sure what action to take.

Tech support is advising me to establish two separate accounts to have a 978 & 1090 receivers, and based on what I’ve read here, I don’t belive to be correct.

Any ideas on what I’ve done to cause this?

I just noticed that my PiAware CPU temp is way down and CPU load is 1%-30% when in the past it has been around 45%-55%.

Not as well versed in this as abcd567, but make sure that the SSH file that you created really does have the extension removed. Windows may make it a notepad file and hide the txt extension if you are just working in the graphical interface. I just go into the cmd interface and check the directory to be sure that the .txt extension is gone. (And if it’s not, just “rename SSH.txt SSH”)

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Thanks Joe!

I just received my 1090 kit today, and had it up and running in 15 minutes. However, it will not display distances.
Tried to ssh into it…as I did the 978 receiver, and again, no go.

Thanks for your reply!


The computer from which you are trying to SSH to the Pi must be connected to same Local Network/Router as the Pi.

You can test this by typing following address in browser of that computer from which you are trying to SSH:


If the browser loads skyaware map, then they are on same Local Network. If it does not, then they may be on different local network/router.


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Thanks A! I only have one router/LAN, and the Skyaware Anywhere page associated with that receiver comes up when I use that IP address.

Skyaware Anywhere and Skyaware Local Map are two different things, though they look similar.

To be able to SSH to Pi, you must be able to see Skyaware Local Map

Skyaware Anywhere

To see the “Skyaware Anywhere”, you need not be on same router. You can see it from anywhere on the world through internet on following address:

Skyaware Local Map

It is viewable only on following address

Where is an example of Local IP of Pi and its exact value is available in your router settings AND also on you Flightaware stats page.


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Thanks again A!
I just got my 1090 system up and going in about 10 minutes.
Then, amazingly enough, I was able to get my 978 system active and sharing again…somehow…I have no clue what I did.
So, for the time being I’m going to leave well enough alone and just obtain & fabricate the materials I’ll need to mount real antennas.
I’ll revisit the SSH access sometime in the near future, so don’t be surprised if you hear my feeble voice again sometime soon.
Many thanks for your good help!!

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Are you certain?

My desktop is on network 192.168.178/24 and I can SSH to a Pi on network192.168.80/24

I can also browse to Skyaware, see the map, see tar1090 and the graphs1090 on that Pi.