I was looking at KBLM on Google maps and I happened to notice a Runway 14L/32R. Now the thing I want to know, is can that runway be used and why it is there. I have been going there probably about since I was born (15 years ago) and never knew that existed until now. It is not listed on that website that tells you info about the airports (whose name escapes me now [EDIT: www.airnav.com duh!!!]), not on FlightAware info. It looks like it is in decent condition, also. Short, but decent. My guess is that it is just for banner tow planes? Even though I thought they just used 14/32. This makes me wonder what else I don’t know about there. On a side note, I actually once saw a banner plane land with the banner still attached.
That is the part of the field where the banner ops take place but I never knew they had a runway too. You can’t see it from the parking area when you are on the ground because of the hill to the right of 32.
You should stop in to Eagle’s View flight school and talk to the girls that run the school, they’ve been around for a long time and can tell you all about KBLM. (There are a few under 16 kids, including my son, that are flying the 152s just waiting to be old enough to solo.)
I don’t see what you are talking about on Google Maps, but perhaps the main runway was closed and they were using the taxiway as an alternate runway, which would explain the L/R.
No wonder I didn’t see it, that thing is tiny. A few things stand out to me. If its an official runway, why is it not listed, and the main runway L/R as well. If its not, why bother marking it. Either way, I’m surprised that runway exists, due to multiple safety issues. Perhaps that is why the FAA has not been notified of its existence.
Was KBLM ever a military field? Here in Florida we have a number of former military fields that have been modified and thus have odd runways/artifacts of runways . . . although in this case, from the Google Earth view doesn’t appear to be the case.
No, KBLM was developed from a gravel pit by a single individual, Ed Brown, and was originally called Allaire Airport.
However, there are many GA airports in NJ that served as an armed forces training facility during WWII (and during WWI), even ACY started life as a military airfield known as NAS Atlantic City.
Cool deal. But if you have any desire of serving in the military as a pilot, I’d be considering soon if you’re interested in a service academy, ROTC, or other options. Not pushing in one direction or the other, just saying that by 10th grade if you want an academy, it’s time to work on it.