Piaware not booting correctly

Hi! I have recently had to re-flash my sd card for my RPi 3b. I have now re-flashed it many times and used 4 different sd cards in the process. When I reload it into the RPi 3b it boots but not correctly. The system time and date is over 2 years ago and the IP address is which is obviously rubbish. No matter how many times I go the through the process and no matter which sd card I use it is always the same. How can this be? I’ve changed the power adapter, the RTL dongle, the ethernet cable, all to no avail. I’ve also made sure I’ve got the latest Etcher and Piaware version.
I’m clearly lost here and need some help. All and any suggestions welcome.
Many thanks in advance.

Time will probably always go back to a default (you can post change it as part of system raspi-config update/timezone)

However 169.254 is loopback. No ip address provided from router. So it can’t hit the internet and sync the time properly

As such, it won’t be able to do a lot else either.

I know you said you changed the PSU, but I’d be looking for another all the same.

Perhaps try a GUI-less install and try booting without the RTL plugged in and go from there.

Oblivian - thanks for your reponse. How do I get out of the loopback? I have two other RPi’s working perfectly well on the same router so I suspect the router is not the problem.

GeckoVN _ thanks for your response too. The PSU is new and 5v 3a and no underpower message is showing. I’ve tried GUI-less and without the RTL dongle but still the same sitation

Oh - that’s disapointing. It’s looking like your Pi is the problem.

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Hi again. Latest situation is that the IP addressing has resolved itself and I can SSH on to the Rpi3b.
However, boot still doesnt work and I’m getting TLS error: certificate verify failed and TLS handshare with adept server failed.
Any thoughts anyone?

Post the error messages. Check the time on the device. TLS certificates are time sensitive and this could cause an issue.

HI! Just to finish this thread in case it helps anyone stumbling across it in the future.
I was speaking to an Openreach engineer who told me that the TLS errors are a function of the internet connection. He suggested unplugging my router from the internet (I have FTTP) and waiting 5 minutes before re-connecting it. This would reset my internet connection and resolve the time and TLS issues.
He was correct and shortly after re-connecting my Rpi3B is back running again.
So, for anyone with similar issues this may be your solution.