Just in the last week or so I’ve been experiencing issues where the dump1090-fa process stops logging messages, reporting 0 messages received. It’s happened on all 3 of my units, happening pretty much to all of them first at the same time. The units are in different geographic locations, on different power, all running different SDRs. One Pi is PoE from a Meraki PoE switch, one is off a 3A USB wall wart PSU, the 3rd is off a powered USB hub. I cannot find anything common about these devices apart from the PiAware 3.7.1 they’re running.
Has anyone else seen this happen in the last week or so?
For two of the units, a power cycle has helped fix it, but the 3rd one (PoE unit) is not coming back - still reporting 0 messages from dump1090-fa.