Hi! I have what I think is a serious issue with my Raspberry Pi 4b. I cannot get it to boot using Piaware or Raspberry Pi OS. I have tried 3 different sd cards and a usb flash drive. I have used a fresh copy of Etcher and a fresh copy of Piaware 8.2. I have also tried the new Raspberry Pi Imager. It did work briefly with a brand new sd card but altough the green light was flashing it would not connect to FlightAware. I unplugged it while this new sd card was in and when I reconnected it there was no green light only the steady red light.
It was originally working fine until I had to pull the power cable to switch it off. On replugging the cable, only the red light is on (steady) with no green flashing light. I cannot SSH to it either.
It may be a hardware fault with the 4b but I have no way of telling.
Can anyone suggest what may be wrong? Many thanks
What are you using for a local network connection? Is that in working order?
If the red light is on, but not flashing and the green one remain dark, then the Raspberry can’t read the files on that card. Has normally nothing to do with network.
It could be also wrong formatted SD card. Even an underpowered power supply is conceivable
How did you create it? I would recommend the original Raspberry Imager because you can configure WiFi and enable SSH in a comfortable way.
To make it a lot more comfortable, i would suggest getting a HDMI cable and connect the device directly to the Raspberry and watch the boot process on screen.
SSH is one of the services which is enabled only once the system is running properly. So if the system stalls during boot, there is no SSH access possible.
Hard wired to router via a switch. Changed cable and ports on switch. Other devices work via cable and port but no lights on RPi internet connector.
Best suggestion.
Only way to tell what or indeed if the Pi is thinking.
Connect the Pi directly to an HDMI monitor.
If the Pi is not booting properly, he will not fire up network. So no green light on your switch, that means no SSH connection. At least this works as expected.
The only thing is now to use an HDMI cable as I suggested previously
Thanks for your suggestions. The Pi is connected directly to a monitor but even so there is nothing on the screen, it’s completely blank. Connecting my other Pi to the monitor shows that it works perfectly.
Then you might have a more serious hardware issue on your Raspberry. Normally it should show at least some boot message, even without SD card installed.
Die you try both HDMI ports? I had it once, that only one of the ports was working.
Well, you have a nice ethernet connection setup with a switched cable connection in play.
Hi Bryan,
Don’t overlook the simple power supply issue that foxhunter mentioned earlier. Test with another power supply if able.
A couple years ago, I thought I had a Pi hardware failure with a single light, but no other lights as expected. I did the typical backup sd-card with no luck. When I tested the power supply, it was producing voltage, but not the expected amount and completely unreliable. It was enough to light the power LED, but would not actually boot the system. When my previous one died, it happened during an attempted reboot after an update, so I had immediately suspected the sd-card of course.
That was a factory power supply. When I ordered another, I got two, tested both, and put the spare away as a backup for cheap insurance.