PiAware Cuba

Hola quisiera que alguien me pudiera ayudar, he instalado PiAaware varias veces pero cuando voy a configurar mi estación en cuanto localización, altura de la antena, etc, luego de guardar los cambios esta se me borra de mi cuenta.

Where are you trying to set the location and height ? In the Piaware settings page ? Are you using the PiAware image or a package based install ? This will only be set if you have a flightfeeder setup.

Estoy utilizando la imagen ISO de Piaware

Si sé como hacerlo y lo hago, pero luego que guardo los cambios la estación se desvincula de mi cuenta.

Maybe @obj can help you with that ?

Oh gracias, cómo puedo ponerme en contacto con él?

I have tagged him in the conversation so he will respond when he is online

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We’re reaching out to affected users.

Ohh, ok, soy uno de ellos

FYI, if FlightAware won’t take your data, there are plenty of other sites who will… (ie. ADSBexchange).

It seems feeders from these areas are getting a note that basically says “FlightAware has elected to terminate the ADS-B account per internal policy.”

Not 100% sure, but I would venture a guess that this could have to do with Ratheon/Rockwell Collins merger.


You need to be aware that Cuba is not a democracy. People can get arrested for spying for less than what you are proposing.

Not making any claims of what’s legal or not in any given juristiction. Anyone running an ADSB receiver needs to be aware of their local laws and take appropriate precautions.

That was my point exactly! You can’t go around and recommend something that might destroy their lives without at least adding that disclaimer. In the same post that is.
Especially when the title says clearly what country is about.

I think we’ve already had this discussion. It’s up to individuals to do their due diligence and make sure they would be conforming to the laws where they live and/or to consult a lawyer if need be before they start tracking airplanes and sharing the data with feeder sites. If anyone blindly follows advice posted by a stranger on the Internet without first confirming that it’s legal to do what’s suggested they’re being unwise. People are free to offer any advise they want to on the Internet, such as “get your antenna up higher.” It’s up to the individual reading this advise to make sure that he or she is allowed to do that without violating any HOA or counsel rules or local codes or statutes before raising their antenna. It’s up to the original poster to find out if it’s legal in Cuba to share ADS-B data with feeding sites. Besides, wasn’t the OP previously feeding FlightAware until it stopped working? Why should feeding FA be legal but feeding ADSB Exchange be illegal? That makes no sense whatsoever, they’re both just feeder sites where people can watch airplanes flying around in a virtual radar environment,

Por qué siempre la política? Dejemos eso a un lado y hablemos técnicamente, profesionalmente del tema no de politiquería, en Cuba es legal compartir datos ADS-B, no hay ninguna ley o decreto que impida ejercer esa actividad, mi Piaware estaba funcionando bien hasta un día que empezó a tener problemas los cuales no sabia que eran.



Totally agree with you … totalmente de acuerdo contigo


Parece que no tienes otra opción que esperar a ser contactado por el personal de soporte de FlightAware.

O, como ha sido sugerido puedes fácilmente añadir un feed a ADSB Exchange a tu actual configuración de PiAware. De esta manera, si ves aeronaves que estas rastreando en el mapa global en ADSB Exchange así como en tu propio mapa local o en el mapa de ADSB Exchange Anywhere sabrás que el problema no es con tu hardware o software, es algo en el extremo de FlightAware. Alimentar ambos sitios no pone casi ninguna carga extra en la Pi comparado con alimentar solo FlightAware así que puedes dejar ambos funcionando y alimentando si lo deseas.

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piaware not working is likely due to FA being acquired by Raytheon.
The best guess is that they are not allowed to “do business” with people from some countries.
The US have special requirements for defense contractors and i believe Raytheon is one of those.
So … it’s kinda unavoidable to at least mention that as it doesn’t seem to be a technical but a political issue.
There are some areas without any feeders that point to this being a new legal requirement due to the takeover: FlightAware ADS-B Coverage Map - FlightAware (Cuba, Iran, Crimea …)

You don’t need a piaware image to receive ADS-B: Raspbian Lite: ADS B receiver · wiedehopf/adsb-wiki Wiki · GitHub
In case the situation is cleared up (which seems unlikely) you can always install the piaware package to feed FA again.
