Viewing my data page displays resent flights tracked. However, lately I keep getting a blank under flights that states; No flights found. What do I need to do to fix this? Is my data still getting to the server?
Hi nazarchaeologist,
Are you using PiAware to feed? If so, take a look on your stats page and is your Data Feed showing that you went off about 3 hours ago? Mine is the same.
I also see that the last feed was 3 hours ago
I’ve restarted PiAware but still the same. I guess it is a server problem?
Statistics server issue probably. How’s the weather at Flagstaff?
Weather is great in Flagstaff, had snow the past few days with only little accumulation. I tried to do a remote re-boot of the piAware but no luck.
I am also getting ‘No flights found’ since yesterday although the ‘Aircraft seen’ stat is incrementing. For some time yesterday I also got feeder check in issues and an outage of 3 hours. However, the FR24 feed from the same Raspberry Pi feeder is showing all feeds including those of my radar and no outage. Did you guys find any solution?
It appears to be a server issue. Will someone at FA please sort this out?
I’m not sure, but I just disabled position-only flight tracking and I started getting tracked flights showing up again.
This was actually an unrelated problem in the thing that maintains the list of recently fed data (flights, logs, etc). It should be back up now.