New AA delivery?

Just wondering on this 737-8 coming into Tulsa from Boeing. Tulsa is a big AA maintenance base.


Maiden flight:

From test flight on 3/17:
Photo from Rick Schlamp on Flickr

Crap. I was inside my house when it went over. Wish I would have read this thread earlier.

It sure looks nice with that fresh new paint.

Don’t mean to hijack the thread. Can someone who is able to do a deep search locate a Continental delivery flight for me? It was Continental 9990 From KBFI-KHOU. It was a 737-900ER and sometime around July 2008. I was on this flight and wanna check something. If it’s possible, thanks in advance.

Well maybe. What can you do for me? Post a story about it… pictures, video etc…

N75426 seems to fit the timescale.


How would one find out this information? At least, without paying for the history back past four months?

Not to bust anyone’s chops or anything, but there was no COA9990 from KBFI-KHOU in July 2008. In fact, there has only been one B739 flown on that flight number and that was March 2, 2009, just 30 days ago.

28-Jul-2008 B735/Q Smith Reynolds (KINT) **to **Smith Reynolds (KINT)
26-Jul-2008 B737/Q William P Hobby (KHOU) **to **Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH)
26-Jul-2008 B735/Q William P Hobby (KHOU) **to **Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH)
26-Jul-2008 B737/Q William P Hobby (KHOU) **to **William P Hobby (KHOU)
24-Jul-2008 B737/Q Orlando Intl (KMCO) **to **Orlando Intl (KMCO)
22-Jul-2008 B737/Q Smith Reynolds (KINT) **to **Smith Reynolds (KINT)
20-Jul-2008 B733/W Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH) **to **Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH)
19-Jul-2008 B737/Q Orlando Intl (KMCO) **to **Orlando Intl (KMCO)
12-Jul-2008 B735/G Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR) **to **Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR)
11-Jul-2008 B733/W Port Columbus Intl (KCMH) **to **Port Columbus Intl (KCMH)
03-Jul-2008 B733/Q Smith Reynolds (KINT) **to **Smith Reynolds (KINT)

With what jawad101 sent and the currently available data on COA9990, it seems like this is a flight number used for local maintenance flights. The majority of the flights depart from and arrive at the same airport.

That is precisely what this number is. All the COA999x are MX flights numbers. The only one that is not is COA9999 and that is Continental Airlines disaster response number. As you can see by clicking it, the only flights recently for it are to KDEN & KBUF. Ring any bells?

Hey all,

First, The flight took place on June 30th 2008. I’d be happy to share the 100+ pics and a story later this evening. Also, I’m quite positive it was COA9990. The flight numbers are usually in the 9000’s for both delivery flights AND maintenance flights. As you can see, even the flights to the boneyard are in the 9000’s. Talk to ya all tonight!

03-Jul-2008 B733/Q Smith Reynolds (KINT) **to **Smith Reynolds (KINT)
28-Jun-2008 B737/Q Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH) **to **Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH)
20-Jun-2008 B737/Q Smith Reynolds (KINT) **to **Smith Reynolds (KINT)
18-Jun-2008 B737/Q Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR) **to **Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR)
14-Jun-2008 B737/Q William P Hobby (KHOU) **to **Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH)
13-Jun-2008 B737/Q William P Hobby (KHOU) **to **William P Hobby (KHOU)
13-Jun-2008 B737/Q William P Hobby (KHOU) **to **Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH)
09-Jun-2008 B737/Q Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR) **to **Newark Liberty Intl (KEWR)
06-Jun-2008 B737/Q Orlando Intl (KMCO) **to **Orlando Intl (KMCO)
03-Jun-2008 B753/U Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH) **to **Houston Bush Int’ctl (KIAH)
02-Jun-2008 B735/Q Smith Reynolds (KINT) **to **Smith Reynolds (KINT)

There were no COA9990 Flights on a B739 from KBFI-KHOU. :wink:

Continental Airlines Flight 9970 from KBFI-KHOU on a B739 June 30, 2008

Well done. I stand corrected. I’ll post the pics and story when I get back tonight. Thanks again!

Glad I could help!

Well if it was June and not July, then it was the previous delivery - N75425.

Aircraft Registration–N75425

With an Airworthiness Date of 06/29/2008, a flight to Houston, a registration transfer on 06/30/2008, then a filing on 07/01/2008. It sounds about right to me.

Here are two pics for now. One is the keys they give the pilots as a souvenir. (nice souvenir for a $130 million aircraft eh?) And the other is me trying out the jumpseat oxygen mask at FL410 :slight_smile:

Those keys are cool

new 737 out test flying today well I am guessing it is the new one…