把 PiAware on Raspbian Linux 3.5.1 ZIP 写到SD卡运行了 MLAT始终是error!!! myadsb界面无日志输出 flightaware红色?!
myadsb 设置里已经设置位置 高度 用apt安装的piaware可以MLAT sd卡写入的死活不行?
Reflashing the SD card will create a new ADSB site. You need to either claim the new site OR enter the older UUID into the new SD card image.
Piaware claiming is here: PiAware - Claim and Link a Brand New PiAware Ground Station - FlightAware
enter your old UUID from myADSB into your new site through the piaware-configure.txt file
enter the line: piaware-config feeder-id 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc
thank you very much!