Looking for N62JL

I recently purchased the plane log for N62JL. It shows KSNA (John Wayne) as the latest destination on July 3, 2008. Can anyone confirm that the plane is there? Has anyone had any contact with the owner?


And why are you so interested in this airplane?!? :wink:

I apologize if this is not the correct forum for this. I have a lawsuit against the owner. They have left town, left no forwarding address and claim to have no assets. There are several of us that have lost a great deal of money. I’m just playing detective.

Playing one badly, I might add.

I’m no detective, but it seems logical to me that maybe instead of blindly asking on the forum if the “plane is there,” you could call an FBO on the field and just ask? :wink:

Don’t quit your day job.

We did call. They said it wasn’t there. The plane is in his wife’s name and she claims she doesn’t know where it is. I find that hard to believe. I’m not trying to be secretive, even if the plane is there it doesn’t mean he is. The plane log helped some - lots of flights to Vegas, which may mean that’s where the money went.

Ihate to say this but here goes…you need a lawyer. If you already have one, get a better one that will advise you not to do your own detective work on a message board. Just having a lawsuit against someone entitles you to nothing but a lawyer bill. And it looks like the plane is owned by an LLC, not his wife. What did he screw you out of?

If that doesn’t work there’s always MTV’s Dog the Bounty Hunter … :smiley:

Must be using same lawyer as OJ… :unamused:

I have a lawyer. He’s pretty good but this whole process takes a long time. I first filed in April and my court date is scheduled for Sept 2009. We have plenty of proof to win a lawsuit in fact he isn’t even fighting it other than a token jesture here and there to cause a delay. I realize this isn’t going to get me anywhere, I’m just trying to catch him in as many lies as I can. I know the plane is in an LLC but the loan and the LLC is in his wife’s name. There are several lawsuits against him, my friends have a judgment and could attach the plane if we found it but the loan on the plane is probably more than its worth. Besides, it’s not like you can just put it on Ebay and I’m sure there will be fees for storage etc. I have relatives in LA and could probably just have someone go down and look. Civil cases are very expensive and I’m quite certain there is little or no money left but I can’t just drop it. He’ll resurface again sometime and hurt someone else. There are 6 of us that I know of and the total damage is over a million dollars. Even with that and all the proof we have, the authorities say its a civil case and not criminal. I would easily settle for no money if I knew he would be tried in criminal court. All of you are correct, this is not the right forum for this discussion.

You could lein the plane if you had a judgement against its owner (The LLC or his wife), but unless you also name them and receive a judgement against “them”, I don’t see how you could “attach” the plane in any way. I’m no lawyer, but I did drive past a HIE today. :wink:

It’s not easy finding a airplanet when the owner wants to hide it, OR if someone leasing it wants to hide it.
You’re best bet is to get on the field and check all the hanger of the FBO’s on the field (not an easy task).
As for calling the FBO and asking if the airplane is there, the FBO will lie to you.
I speak from experience.
Good luck on your lawsuit. Dirt bags love to take your money but when it come time to pay out they all leave town…

Also the Cessna 340 would be an easy airplane to fly VFR somewhere.

Sounds like a real estate deal gone bad. Lots of that going around. Let me guess he is a builder/developer who gathered investors to buy the land and build the infrastructure and he builds the homes. Everyone gets a split of the profits. Only nothing sold and the land value is 1/3 of what is was 3 years ago, investors are left holding the bag and everyone is blaming him. Just a guess.

You can track him when he flies IFR. You can’t VFR. He could be anywhere.

If he blocked tracking on it you can’t track him VFR or IFR.

It was at KSNA on October 31, 2008. Look at this, tinyurl.com/6mrppe .
Would you have a picture of the aircraft?


That part was understood but good point.

SInce you know where the plane is, you can plant evidence in it like a hundred pounds of marijuana or put a dead body in it, then tell the cops you smell a funny odor and then the cops will find the owner and there you are.

Or… my next door neighbor thought his wife was having an affair we bought a gps tracker and put it in her car and then he could track her real time. He confronted while she was at someones house and she ended up filing for divorce, and she wanted either the house or his 401K both worth about 400K each. he presented a map of allthe houses she had been to and subpoenad both family members, she dropped her case. but he still notified the familys involved.

Movie quote about cheating wives (name the flick):

“and what about their husbands?”

“Dickless!, lets face it, if they took care of business, I’d be out of business”

Movie quote about cheating wives (name the flick):

“and what about their husbands?”

“Dickless!, lets face it, if they took care of business, I’d be out of business”

Going out on a limb here. . .

True Lies?

Do I win?