Looking for a plane with #485E94 (PH-DHD)

Hey all,

I am looking for the PH-DHD / #485E94 on flightaware, it’s nowhere to be seen at all, not even in history while a other tracking site shows it.
Is there a way to un-hide it on FA?


The owner has probably asked to be hidden.
If that is the case, you will still see it on your own site when it in range.

Hey, thanks for your response.
it could be that the previous owner or a club member hide it (by accident).
Since we (our aeroclub) are the owner, how can we un-hide it, what procedure can we follow?


Oh! As the owner, I can see your point!

A couple of links to get you started

Thanks, I have been there but it keeps bugging me about " [FlightAware Global subscription], we as a club do not have the financial means to do this. We just want one single plane unblocked like the other two planes are not blocked!

I think you need to find out “if” your plane is blocked (or there is some other problem). I assume you are happy to have your plane(s) public, in which case it’s not a matter of subscription, but getting it unblocked at source.

PH-DHD doesn’t appear to be blocked.

While I haven’t dug into the exact details I suspect that it’s not appearing on the website as the aircraft is not ADS-B equipped, so we rely on mlat position data only, and flight creation when we only have mlat data (e.g. no ANSP flightplan data or airline schedule info to go with it) is quite conservative.

Hey obj,

“aircraft is not ADS-B equipped” the airplane has mode-s available and appears on other tracking sites as source MLAT. Our other 2 planes have similar equipment (mode-s) and are visible. We also have a HUGE radar on our airport so we are actually pretty sure (but never 100%) this should work and the issue is some filter in FA.
I also just got a mail from FA (thanks!) that they will look into the DB.

Sure, but basic Mode S is not ADS-B – the aircraft is not transmitting its own position, so we have to rely on multilateration to try to derive a position. (ADS-B is something of an extension to Mode S; it uses the same frequency and modulation, but it uses additional message types that basic Mode S transponders won’t transmit)

ADS-B would be having a transponder that implements e.g. ED-102A / DO-260B

Multilaterated positions are generally less reliable, which is why we are more conservative about using that data.

It may be sufficient to get the Mode S address / registration mapping into FlightAware’s internal registration database. Currently we don’t have that information for PH-DHD. From memory having a callsign/ident that matches the (known) registration (as is common for GA) gives us more confidence in the data.

The Mode S Hex code is 485E94 for PH-DHD.
Can that be mapped in the FA database?

Can we try and add the PH-DHD into FlightAware’s internal registration database? Then we can see if this has any result? and will come back to you!

Just a FYI. 485E94 is not in hexdb:

$ curl https://hexdb.io/hex-reg\?hex\=485E94

But it is in ADSBdb:

$ curl -s https://api.adsbdb.com/v0/aircraft/485E94 | jq
  "response": {
    "aircraft": {
      "type": "172N Skyhawk",
      "icao_type": "C172",
      "manufacturer": "Cessna",
      "mode_s": "485E94",
      "registration": "PH-DHD",
      "registered_owner_country_iso_name": "NL",
      "registered_owner_country_name": "Netherlands",
      "registered_owner_operator_flag_code": "C172",
      "registered_owner": "Private",
      "url_photo": null,
      "url_photo_thumbnail": null

Also VRS (Virtual Radar Server) “PlaneBase” is aware of the registration, so I doubt this aircraft is hidden completely.

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Looks like it works now.


Somebody did his or her magic, thanks magical person! :smiley:

you made a few people here very happy

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Now you need to upload a photo to the airplane’s web page.