How often do you visit

I have become quite addicted to the forums and find myself visiting many times a day. How often do you visit? Thanks in advance for you responses.

Eh, once in a while.

Often enough that my wife has accused me of having an affair with someone on this forum.

I’d say 4-5 times/day.

She’s got nothing to worry about. The women, especially the good christian ones, were all chased out of here a long time ago.


I’d bet that they’re still lurking though…

Hey Az, is that a smiley of you in a wig?

No, Mark just likes his hair long!

Hey…I thought that the “party in the back” was back again…

I call this flightstalking, and I keep an eye on our competition

usually once a day. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

usually enough times to keep an eye on what is going on at my airport, unless I am at work, and then even more, since it is AT the airport. I would say I average going on FA around 10-15 times a day.

I wonder why :smiley:

60% of responding members visit several times a day…good for ad rates :wink:

There’s ads?.. No, really? :open_mouth:

Flightaware has an AD.

I visit whenever N28FD is flying, or a friend is on a commerical flight. I’m addicted. I have two flat panel displays at work, one always has FlightAware going while I work on the other!!

and I like to read the Forums at lunch from my iPhone.

CAVU Skies Everyone!

My numbers are about the same.

On days when a lot of unusual aircraft fly by, I’ve checked FA about 30-50 times. :blush:

I check several times a day, though I don’t visit the forums each time. I check airports throughout the southeast, esp. Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Plus, I sometimes am watching MCO while listening to their ATC on LiveATC. As for individual aircraft, I check some local planes, plus Harrison Ford, John Travolta, Donald Trump, etc. I also watch KVPC a lot, for some of those Phoenix Air jets going off to all corners of the earth.