google earth support

would be cool if a flight could be downloaded in a .KML file so it could be viewed and “flown” in Google Earth.

Has FlightAware provided the flight trak to google earth file?

Use the search feature at the top of this page to search for Google.

I guess I don’t see a Google Search box at the top of the page. Do you have a web address that I can go to to see the .kmz file

damiross didn’t mention a Google Search box.

Look at the top of the page. You will see “Discussions FAQ” and then “Search” then “Profile”. Click “Search” and then enter “Google” in the appropriate box.



OK, so I am bored at work. Lumber market is really slow right now…

I’m not a he/she but a he (juse ask my girlfriend!).

Anyway, like BTaylor said, I didn’t say look for a Google search box. Here’s a good example of why grammar and punctuation is important, I should have written the following:

Use the search feature at the top of this page to search for Google. (added quotation marks to Google.)

joke - n.
Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.
Something not to be taken seriously; a triviality

He/she was not a reference to you being genderally challenged. Just couldn’t remember who posted and if you were male or female.

Dude, quit reading into people’s posts so much. I am just as guilty of it as the next person, which is why usually I will read the previous posts again to see if I can pick out possible sarcasm. I would have thought that the last line of the post would have made it easier to interpret.

From this point on, I vow to be as serious as I can, not make anymore jokes, smartass comments, or attempt to lighten the mood. In this wussified world that we have become, I don’t want to offend anyone. I will go against everything I believe to become the upmost politically correct person possible on here.

He/she was not a reference to you being genderally challenged. Just couldn’t remember who posted and if you were male or female.

I wasn’t offended by the use of “he/she.” I was just letting everyone know, in what I though was a humorous way (“just ask my girlfriend”), that I am a non-female male.

For anybody who cares, my real name is David.

From this point on, I vow to be as serious as I can, not make anymore jokes, smartass comments, or attempt to lighten the mood. In this wussified world that we have become, I don’t want to offend anyone. I will go against everything I believe to become the upmost politically correct person possible on here.

No need to do this. I’m not easily offended. In fact, one of the few things that offends me (besides stupid politicians) is people who are easily offended. The phrase “politically correct” is not in my vocabulary.

Looking over my posting I see where I said “stupid politicians.” Sorry for being redundant!

…So what’s the point of posting w/out any of the above? :wink: :smiley:

As anyone can see from posts after that last one, I couldn’t keep it serious. I JUST CAN’T DO IT!! (FEEL FREE TO PUT RANDOM SCOTTIE FROM STAR TREK REFERENCE IN HERE).

Thank you for the “stupid politician” comment. Glad to know that I could possibly have found someone that might be as politically INcorrect as me…

Meanwhile, back on the ranch…er…topic…

I take offense to your blatant attempt to return to the topic!! :smiling_imp: :wink:

…What the hell IS the topic, anyway?!?

Oh yeah, another “Google Earth” question…{Insert “Snooze” Emoticon here}

I take offense to your taking offense of returning to the topic, which I am offended that you had to even ask what said topic is. Furthermore, I am equally offended at your blatent attempt to create a new emoticon without consulting all of us here for our equal input.

OK…now we are getting out of hand, which offends me…

$5 says you don’t last five minutes!

WHOOPS! I won!



“stupid politicians”… is there any other kind?

Well, yes, there is.

To paraphrase an old joke: What’s 10,000 politicians at bottom of the sea?
A good start.

To keep it on topic - at least, an aviation related topic - I’ll say that they were flown out there. Is that stretching the aviation relationship or what.

Now, honestly, I will try to stay on topic in this forum.

Those that AREN’T stupid are either…
a) so corrupt they leave stains where they walk
b) dead
c)out of office after 1 term for actually making progress, i.e. stepping on SOMEONE’S toes [This is the rarest kind]

Enjoying your birthday present I see!



Huh? Did I miss something here?

I go to work for just ONE DAY… While I’m gone all you guys are sitting around sniffing 100LL, telling real names, bashing polititians, inventing emoticons, and telling jokes I’ve already heard… WHAT’S THE WORLD COMING TO!!!

(Argh! Grammar! Never end a sentence with a preposition!)


You only work ONE DAY?! YOU must be a politician!! :wink: :smiling_imp: