It was seeing that post that prompted mine, actually… seems there’s a lot of talk about Google Earth on here, just curious what we can do with it at this point
I did sucessfully create a script for graphing to GE unfortunately its written for bash (a linux shell) so most people wont be able to use it, directly.
For people interested in the code, its actually fairly simple using only a couple programs (gawk and lynx). Let me know if you want a look.
I managed to put this script and a small collection of flight folowing tools I often use onto a web site. Everyone is welcome to use it. Bluzhounds Tools
bluz, I tried to to use your page to transfer a flight track to GE. I entered the flight number in “Search a Flight” and clicked on the “Google Earth 3D” button. That caused a ‘.php’ file to be downloaded to my desktop. However, when I try to open that file from GE, GE reports “This file format is not supported by Google Earth”.
Thats odd, I didnt catch that because for some reason my google earth could read the php files. I fixed it to sending back a .kml file instead. Can anyone confirm that the page is working as I really only have this machine to test it on?
Congrats on a great tool for aviation. I can’t seem to put your script into my page yet but have used the Google earth to look at traks from several of my friends airplanes.
If you know of any other sites that have GE track .kml engines for FA would you please forward to