FlightAware feed to VRS

Hello! I’ve been successfully feeding using my RPi3 + FA-Dump1090 for awhile now. I recently setup a home server and got Virtual Radar Server setup on it.

Has anyone had success pushing/feeding data to VRS from Flight Aware?

I’m looking at setting up a receiver in VRS, but I’m fairly lost:

Any help or discussion would be appreciated!

EDIT: I passed in the address of my FlightAware/RPi3 and the correct port, and it’s already showing flights…I suppose there is more tweaking to be done though.

There is quite a bit of documentation and advice but I first set mine up as follows;

Tick Enabled
Give it a Name
Format is Basestation
Location is a name for a location set in VRS under Receiver Locations.
Connection Type is Network and Normal
Address is the IP address of your Pi on the Local Network or a name if it exists in a local DNS
Port is 30003

And that is it to start.

Note that Name, Location and Address in my example are all “Pi” but these are unrelated and each can be unique.

Good luck,


just curiosity, why the preference of Basestation / 30003 over AVR-Beast / 30005 ?


Don’t remember.

Like a lot of things I looked around and found some instructions that worked (and that I understood what I was doing).

When an upgrade took place to 3.6.2 (maybe) the AVR-Beast stopped working due to a bug in the data format and the recommendation was to change format.

I don’t remember and I was just passing on something that was still working. I did say that there is a lot of documentation and advice. If my instructions are wrong I am quite happy to delete them and remove the added noise.



The problem/work around was discussed here.

3.6.3 may have fixed the problem, in which case either setup will work.

right. not blaming anyone. just curious whether beast is preferred over basestation and
what the benefits if any ? or it does not matter (data-wise).


Does this answer your question?

excellent @wiedehopf it does !
i was not certain I had seen this comment by Oliver…or at PP site.
so safe to say that beast is the de-facto standard (FA, FR24, PP, adsbhub, opensky-network, planefinder, adsbexchange)
30003 seems to be preferred by Basestation, globe-s, radarbox24 and
the ‘swiss army knives’ VRS and Modesmixer can use both.

Sadly it seems VRS is slightly unstable (or at least the image I am currently using needs tweaked)