I have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ (Raspbian Stretch) with dump1090-mutability and piaware installed (and in addition fr24feed and pfclient).
lighttpd is installed and running properly (<ip-address>/dump1090 works correctly).
From what I have read, the piaware web interface should be available at <ip-address>:80, but that only shows the lighttpd placeholder page. I also tried <ip-address>:8080, but that returns ‘This site can’t be reached’.
There doesn’t seem to be any piaware related site specified for lighttpd:
$ ls /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/
05-auth.conf 10-no-www.conf 10-usertrack.conf
10-accesslog.conf 10-proxy.conf 11-extforward.conf
10-cgi.conf 10-rewrite.conf 15-fastcgi-php.conf
10-dir-listing.conf 10-rrdtool.conf 89-dump1090.conf
10-evasive.conf 10-simple-vhost.conf 90-debian-doc.conf
10-evhost.conf 10-ssi.conf 90-javascript-alias.conf
10-expire.conf 10-ssl.conf README
10-fastcgi.conf 10-status.conf
10-flv-streaming.conf 10-userdir.conf
Piaware Web Interface is avaiable only on Piaware SD card image.
You have Raspbian Stretch image with Piaware package install. You wont get Piaware Web interface
I have the same problem. I installed Stretch, then used “ads-b receiver project” to install Dump1090-mutability, and Feeders for FlightRadar24, PlaneFinder, and FlightAware.
Everything works, except PiAware. The web interface should be installed with the package. (In my opinion)
Has anyone tried adding Feeders to a PiAware image installation??
That clears up the situation.
I had hoped to be able to see ‘skyview’ web page, but am content for now to continue supplying data.
I have several other options to view aircraft, so it is not critical to me.
I will try another install using the ‘adsb-receiver project’, but install the dump1090-fa instead of dump1090-mutability.
Thank you for your explanation.
Then you would uninstall dump1090-mutability and run the receiver-project install again selecting no decoder program and it will see dump1090-fa being installed and use it.