Piaware web interface connection refused - timelapse1090 conflict?


I recently added piaware to my ADS-B feeder running other services just fine, but the piaware web interface at rpi-sensor:8080 does not load with connection refused error in web browser.

The following feeders / web interfaces are running besides piaware with no issues:

  • tar1090/readsb
  • timelapse1090
  • graphs1090
  • fr24feed
  • adsbexchange

Please let me know how I can check if everything is running correctly with piaware. piaware-status shows no errors, feeder works correctly. Just the web interface won’t load.

I wonder if there are any conflicts? However, I cannot see any other web services running on port 8080 or 80.

I can see see that timelapse1090’s browser tab is named PiAware Skyview. Maybe there is a conflict? Please see screenshot:

It is not conflict with timelapse1090 apparently, just uninstalled it but the piaware web interface is still refusing connection at port 8080. Port 80 displays the lighttpd standard/unconfigured page.

This is a self-build feeder not the piaware image. Please help me in getting the web interface running. I can provide debug info, just need to know the output of which commands you need to analyse.

try running /dump1090-fa on that page where the port 80 default page is shown

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