An awesome flight path from VOODOO1 (the 727 this time) today: … /KLAX/KLAX
Five hours!
An awesome flight path from VOODOO1 (the 727 this time) today: … /KLAX/KLAX
Five hours!
Pilot hit the Santa Barbara Wine Festival a little early…
If he’s making left hand turns might be practicing for the new Airliner Racing League or Nascar?
Rudder’s stuck…
The pilot was (fill in group or color of person’s hair), the blinker was stuck, so he had to keep turning.
(For you humor impaired people, this isn’t racist!)
wtf is that a real flight path looks like he was burning fuel for hours… btw im confused about these VOODO flights?? why are there trackable F-22 arent they supposed to be like stealth fighters?
GPS to compass (swing) calibrations?
They are equipped with transponders