Checking in but no data feed

This is a new one for me - the pi is checking in, but for the last hour or so it hasn’t been sending data. I have a cron job set to reboot it every half hour (edimax wifi problems that did not get resolved by disabling PS…) anyway can a problem on Flightaware cause this? Since is has been reset at least twice since the data feed has dropped off, I tend to think it could be… maybe.

Any commands from the drop down I should try sending?

I’m seeing the same thing as of around 1500UTC:
Data Feed: Today - about 2 hours ago
Feeder Check-in: Live - 2 minutes ago

Thanks for posting. I thought it was something I did because I was changing my configuration.

Same thing here with my two receivers. I restart both but no feed to FA.

Hi djmd808,

We are working on fixing this issue for you.

A case has been assigned on your behalf (Case #52898). Someone will reach out to you shortly.

Your patience is appreciated.

Best regards,


Hi GDoggRaspberry,

We are working on fixing this issue for you.

A case has been assigned on your behalf (Case #52899). Someone will reach out to you shortly.

Your patience is appreciated.

Best regards,


Hi areyes,

We are working on fixing this issue for you.

A case has been assigned on your behalf (Case #52900). Someone will reach out to you shortly.

Your patience is appreciated.

Best regards,


Looks all cleared up. Thanks Paul!


Data Feed: Today - about 3 hours ago
Feeder Check-in: Live - about 1 minute ago


Seems like an issue with Flightfeeder 6.4. I am (still?) on 6.2 and no such issues though range and message count seems unusually low today