After moving my antenna to the roof a week or so ago, my feeder’s performance has improved dramatically. In fact, I noticed today on the FA Statistics page, Nearby ADS-B sites, I now “lead” the local group in POSITIONS, and that is with one day practically off line.
As you can see, I have more than twice as many positions as the feeder with the most flights, but I am about 150 flights less. Just looking at the right hand two columns, I am really cranking out the positions, but not so much, speaking relatively, flights when compared to the sites on the page.
One interpretation would be that all planes slow down when in range of my feeder, thus I get more positions, since they spend more time in range. I do not think this is the cause.
My site is on the east coast, and there are three flight paths, generally speaking, that I track. One that goes almost directly over my site, one parallel, but about 50 miles to the west, and a third, again parallel, about 130 miles to the west. Does the geography, lots of flights, closing directly on my feeder, drive up the number of positions but not the number of flights?
What I don’t want to be the case is that I am not processing or feeding data correctly, so a high percentage of positions do not correlate to specific flights. I dunno.
Any ideas appreciated. As always, thanks in advance