Anyone know whats going on with the ASA planes in ATL? Something about Engine Saftey Inspecs? Caught wind of it and wondering if anyone knows whats up. My work will let me view flight aware :slight_smile: but not the local news… atleast the firewall has good taste in websites! :laughing:

Any updates would be great thanks!

ASA has half it’s fleet grounded.

was this planned or unplanned?

It was an internal audit that showed the engines had not been properly inspected.

A lot of major news is almost always posted in the Squawks section on the left hand side of the FlightAware page. Here is a link to the article. It was posted early this morning. … inspection

Sorry like I said, I’m firewalled. I can’t see the news sites thats why I was trying to gather some info in the forums. Thanks for the heads up though…

No worries at all, I didn’t put two and two together. But for a future note, if you happen to find any great aviation links online, please post them on the Squawks page. There’s a lot of really cool stuff I’ve found out on that because of other members that I would have never known about.

Well in the end of all this, as stated before, at least your work has it’s priorities correct when it comes to the websites… :wink:

:imp: ASA :imp:

Whenever I see this, I still think that it’s Alaska, as it’s their ICAO code… So are we talking about ASA, or ACY?


I was thinking Atlantic Southeast Airlines but I thought they went out of biz or were gobbled by ComAir or something. They tried to kill me once and I don’t forgive very easily. :smiling_imp:

They did get gobbled up, but it was by Skywest.

And yes this is about Atlantic Southeast Airlines and their CRJ-200’s

Here is an article detailing the inspections and that they’ll be back up and running mid-day today.

ASA to resume normal flights Thursday

I concur.

I hear story!