Yeah, as already said, I thought the UK flight ban had already kicked in as well. My mistake.
Austrian airways will ground almost all flights starting Wednesday
European Union is currently developing a plan to massively reduce flights from/to EU locations
The long term ‘trend’ is that many airlines may not recover from this.
Yes I won’t be surprised to see some go under - many operate on extremely close margins. It’s a difficult business to be in at the best of times, and this is going to stress the industry severely.
And now we have the EU (at least according to Macron) stopping anyone coming in to EU. Source BBC website.
So now no eastbound or westbound.
For many years just like buses in some countries they have been flying to same places as many other airlines do just to compete. Some routes are thus a financial disaster but they still kept adding and adding to the routes and the fleet of aircraft thinking that the bubble will never burst. Cheap flights and more people being able to take foreign holidays as resulted in an increase in demand and the airlines have been quite happy to expand rather than be conservative and keep a ‘rainy day’ fund. Now we have the ‘rainy day’ or weeks and months to contend with and they have nothing to do but park all the aircraft and lay off staff as quick as possible as they have little in reserve to keep going. Yes a few airlines who have not been savvy about how they operate will find it very hard or even possible to keep going soon. But they are not alone , bus and trains and boats in fact any transportation of people is being greatly affected so the federal governments will have a difficult time in trying to help out companies as they will not obviously be able to help everyone as they too have limited funds which will also start to dry up as they will loose income from tax collections such as passenger and fuel duty.
Graph for the last two weeks. Since a week the trend has only one direction.
Blue: ADS-B aircraft
Orange: MLAT aircraft
Yesterday it was the first day with < 2000 aircraft registered. Not normal for a Monday.
Curious why MLAT has been increased slightly
I’ve seen roughly the same number of aircraft today as I did on Saturday when my aerial was horizontal.
1480 total today and the day is almost over. This is a number i have normally in the early afternoon.
My number in Bulgaria for today is going to be less then 1000 air crafts total.
The only days that I have had such a low number are days with power shortages and my first day in FA, when I mounted the feeder at noon the very same day.
I’m showing about 20% fewer aircraft today than last week at this time.
Today my numbers here at Toronto have gone down to 40% of what they used to be yesterday and before… but hold on, it has nothing to do with Covid19. Last night I replaced FA 26" antenna by optimized mag-mount whip.
Starting to see a difference here in the center of the continent…
This FA page gives a good overview of what’s going on: Flightaware cancelled flights
As of 3/18/2020 @ 02:00Z I am now down over 50% from “normal” traffic patterns here in the Philippines. Manila International shuts down on the 20th and most of the country is on lockdown with few domestic flights. Where I would normally see around 24 flights on my receive screen at any particular time, it’s now four or five and most of those are over-flights. I usually clock 415 flights per day and that number, as of yesterday, is just 160.
yesterday my receiver caught 1597 flights over the day. This is more than 500 less (around 25%) than on a normal work day
Hello foxhunter,
technical question: how/where do you access or store your long time data? I did not find an API from Flightaware that exposes those values.