Airbus TV's

Do all of the airbus aircraft have TV’s behind every seat?? I have only flown on one and it was a JetBlue A320 which has cable TV behind every seat. Or is this because the company ordered it like that? Sorry if it’s a stupid question.

No, tvs arent standard on all airbusses

Good call! so did you go on your trip yet?

To Iceland? No, we leave in July. But I leave 4 BWI tommorow.

why??? On what?? What time?? whats the number??

My father has a meeting we leave at 5:17 on SW flight # SWA1350


no, pm

Oh then i might track it. See i wouldn’t move at 6:30 my time to track a flight. I can’t wait 2 more weeks of school then I head to Tennessee!!! :laughing:

On all aircraft, the airline has the option of which type of inflight entertainment they want. Some airlines, like B6, put PTV’s in all seats, even for short flights, while some airlines, like LH, notoriously have no PTV’s in coach even on long hauls.

Yes, PTV availibility is entirely dependent on the airlines, not the a/c manufacturer. jetBlue, Frontier, and a few others make a big deal marketing their PTVs, and they just happen to fly all-Airbus (+E-190s for B6) fleets, which makes it appear that it’s an Airbus thing. It’s not though.

It is actually satellite TV. Frontier Airlines tried cable at first but had some problems with reception after Takeoff.

Sorry I couldn’t resist :wink:

Yes I know that it’s satellite TV. I don’t know why I didn’t put it down.

I know its about Airbus. But Westjet has outfitted most of its 737-700 and -800 series with Seatback satillite TV. They just need some sort of clearence from the TSB before they can put them into their -600s