I’m very new to ADS-B and I’m trying to feed data to Flightaware and FR24. I have a Pi2 B running Raspbian along with a Flightaware dongle and a NooElec antenna. In my attempts I seem to only ever get one or the other to work. Most recently I started with a fresh Raspbian image, went through the steps here and then here. Firstly only FR24 worked and then after a reboot only FA worked.
Any advice would be great! I looked around on forums but found predominantly older articles so wasn’t sure if they’d be relevant.
You might like to consider feeding adsbexchange.com as well. They have a downloadable image that supports feeding many common flight tracking sites. Set up is trivial if you start with something that is designed to support multiple tracking sites.
The trick is to install dump1090-mutability first and have it running, then add other feeder packages. Most of them will then detect that you already have a decoder and NOT install their own.
This shows that there is a competition between integral dump1090 of FR24 feeder, and dump1090-fa, to grab DVB-T dongle at boot. The one which grabs first works, other does not.
This occurs if during configuration of FR24 feeder you have selected “receiver type: DVB-T”.
Once above settings are used, the integral dump1090 of FR24 runs in “net only” mode, and there will be no competetion to grab DVB-T by two dump1090s. The DVB-T will be grabbed by dump1090-fa, and the FR24 data feeder will obtain data from dump1090-fa on TCP port 30002 (AVR) or port 30005 (Beast).
You can change settings as shown in detail on the page linked below. At bottom of STEP-11, see “post-install reconfiguration”.