ADS-B Antenna not picking up aircraft


STEP (1): Save Feeder Keys

Before you write fresh image, from existing install, copy-paste feeder keys in Notepad on your desktop/laptop and save notepad:

Plane finder key:
The sharecode is in the file /etc/pfclient-config.json
Scroll right to see it in full. Your Planefinder sharecode is the last item in this long line.


Flightradar24 key:
The fr24key is in the file /etc/fr24feed.ini

Radarbox24 key:
The key is in the file /etc/rbfeeder.ini

STEP (2): Write piaware sd card image to your microSD card.

(2.1) Download image
Latest image ver 3.8.1

(2.2) Write image and configure it using this guide:

Howto : Piaware SD card image 3.8.0 Quickstart Guide

Note: When using QuickStart Guide:

  • Do not download old image v 3.8.0 from step 1 of guide
  • Follow steps 2, 3, and 4 of the QuickStart Guide. Do NOT follow steps 5 to 10 if you are not using 978 Mhz UAT. The 978 UAT is available in USA only and requires an extra dongle.

STEP (3): Install Feeders

(3.1) FR24 feeder

$ sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"

## Caution: During configuration of fr24feed, never choose “Receiver DVBT”. 
## Choose Receiver: ModeS Beast(TCP), host/port:

(3.2) Planefinder feeder

$ wget  
$ sudo dpkg -i pfclient_4.1.1_armhf.deb 

## Go to page IP-of-PI:30053 to complete configuration

(3.3) RadarBox24 feeder

$ sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"

$ sudo rbfeeder --setkey xxxxxxxxxx --no-start   
## Replace xxxxx by your actual key
## Press Ctrl+C to break log output.

$ sudo systemctl restart rbfeeder  

(3.4) Graphs by Wiedehopf

$ sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"  


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