2 Feeder setup?

Hi Some questions again sorry.

I have my flight feeder setup at work ( next to Blackpool airport ) and thats up and running ok - although the antenna is still inside :frowning:

I have now built a pi aware to use at home - Although its also at work as i have to set it up and pair it on the same network?

The questions is where do i see the two different feeders on my account? the interface said it was setup and working but i cannot see the two different feeders?

Make sure you’re logged in to FlightAware.com and select the My ADS-B drop down on top of the home page and click Stats. This will take you to your My ADS-B stats pages where you can see your receivers.

Amazing, thank you.

Daft question again. On my over all stats pages are these separate now or a cumulative total of detections?

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The two feeder do not need to be in the same network

Setup the second feeder, use a device like a PC or smartphone in the same network and use the claim functionality.
It can take a few attempts but then the feeder should show up as second device under your account.

The stats are counted individually per receiver.

The stats are counted individually per receiver.

The first chart on the stats page shows the collective total but as @foxhunter mentioned the rest are individual stats.

I did for a while have one of my feeders set at home in London and another at a friends home in California, both showed fine on my account.


You need to have your PC logged into FA from the same network as the Pi you want to add to your account.

Yep - this works fine.



Which can be separated by clicking on the feeder or “total”.
And as you said, it’s only the chart, not any of the numbers.

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