Who rigged The Banter Thread Poll?

Who rigged The Banter Thread Poll?

One vote for Mark!

I think it was a bug resultant from the last FA upgrade. :wink:

FA only has about 150,000 members.

P.S. Can an FA staff make me a staff member too!

Thanks in advance. :wink:

Are you asking them? Or telling them!

The first good poll I’ve seen on FA! Good job. 8)

Over 250,000!

Evidence from the polls suggests otherwise unless you would like to confess something. Oops, guess you already did.

This one rigged too…
Hmm… these guys are in Texas… You heard how some of them lil Texas towns might rig their mayoral elections just as good as their speed traps… :wink:

You need to update that on the site.

Do you have a credible source?..


That’s your opinion and its WRONG!

Loos like mduell did it! http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b8/CheckM8/spinner.gif
Or at least most of the respondents think so…

Wait, he did WHAT to his pole? Ohhhh , poll…nevermind :blush:


And is keep growing, i am a recently new member! :smiley: