Using view1090-fa without internet

1 - Interactive (no arguments required in the command)

pi@piaware:~ $ view1090-fa  

 Hex    Mode  Sqwk  Flight   Alt    Spd  Hdg    Lat      Long   RSSI  Msgs  Ti \
 A258B7 S0                   36000  429  270                   -24.0     6  1
 A887FD S2    3575           36000  419  270   43.056  -78.639 -22.2    13  0
 C03CF6 S0          CFXCF     1625   95  027   43.064  -79.613 -21.0    10  1
 A51D23 S0                   29625                             -27.0     4  0
 C05185 S2    4744            3000  144  353                   -18.5    21  0
 C06CC2 S2    4757  CGPEV     1250   88  250   43.161  -79.640 -22.8    15  0
 C0193B S0    1066           34000  457  208                   -24.8     9  0
 A43100 S2                   33000  501  136   43.949  -78.541 -18.7    23  0
 C066DD S0                    1525  142  048                   -12.9     7  1
 C0104F S2    0507            8400  277  098   43.761  -79.406  -4.9    48  0


2 - No interactive

pi@piaware:~ $ view1090-fa --no-interactive 

CRC: 000000
RSSI: -24.6 dBFS
Time: 31554732847.83us
DF:17 AA:8695C6 CA:5 ME:58C907A7851962
 Extended Squitter Airborne position (barometric altitude) (11) (reliable)
  ICAO Address:  8695C6 (Mode S / ADS-B)
  Air/Ground:    airborne
  Baro altitude: 39000 ft
  CPR type:      Airborne
  CPR odd flag:  odd
  CPR latitude:  (119746)
  CPR longitude: (72034)
  CPR decoding:  none
  NIC-B:         0
  NACp:          8
  SIL:           2 (p <= 0.001%, unknown type)

CRC: 000000
RSSI: -27.3 dBFS
Time: 31554776138.25us
DF:17 AA:A258B7 CA:5 ME:9915C1005008A3
 Extended Squitter Airborne velocity over ground, subsonic (19/1) (reliable)
  ICAO Address:  A258B7 (Mode S / ADS-B)
  Air/Ground:    airborne
  Geom - baro:   -850 ft
  Ground track   270.1
  Groundspeed:   448.0 kt
  Baro rate:     64 ft/min
  NACv:          2


3 - HELP

pi@piaware:~ $ view1090-fa --help
| view1090 ModeS Viewer                                     dump1090-fa 4.0 |
--no-interactive         Disable interactive mode, print messages to stdout
--interactive-ttl <sec>  Remove from list if idle for <sec> (default: 60)
--modeac                 Enable decoding of SSR modes 3/A & 3/C
--net-bo-ipaddr <IPv4>   TCP Beast output listen IPv4 (default:
--net-bo-port <port>     TCP Beast output listen port (default: 30005)
--lat <latitude>         Reference/receiver latitide for surface posn (opt)
--lon <longitude>        Reference/receiver longitude for surface posn (opt)
--max-range <distance>   Absolute maximum range for position decoding (in nm, default: 300)
--no-crc-check           Disable messages with broken CRC (discouraged)
--fix                    Enable single-bits error correction using CRC
                         (specify twice for two-bit error correction)
--no-fix                 Disable error correction using CRC
--metric                 Use metric units (meters, km/h, ...)
--show-only <addr>       Show only messages from the given ICAO on stdout
--help                   Show this help