I recently set up a Raspberry Pi and am feeding data to flightware. I’d like to demo my homemade antenna and setup on a different Raspberry Pi for my Ham Radio club, but I want to just use the local Skyview server without actually activating another feeder site for my account. When I install the add-on package dump1090-fa, etc, is there a way to not have it transmit to flightaware so that I don’t get an unclaimed feeder since it’s only for a temporary demo?
Yes, install only dump1090-fa, but dont install Piaware. Follow steps given below:
Download latest Raspbian image from Raspberry Pi OS – Raspberry Pi, and write to microSD card.
While the microSD card is still in card reader of Desktop/Laptop, create a file named
. -
Slip microSD card in RPi and powerup.
SSH to RPi and install dump1090-fa only. Following commands will do the job.
# Install Flightaware Repository
wget http://flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/files/packages/pool/piaware/p/piaware-support/piaware-repository_3.6.3_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i piaware-repository_3.6.3_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
# Install dump1090-fa which has skyview map
sudo apt-get install dump1090-fa
sudo reboot
Ah, that makes sense! dump1090-fa has the web server, so that should be sufficient. I have a second rtl-sdr dongle on order so as to not take my feeder site down.
I’d like to use my SDRplay but I don’t think dump1090-fa supports it, and the SDRplay fork would not have Skyview, requiring a secondary device to run something like VRS.
First world problems…
In /etc/default/dump1090-fa
you can configure the position (and the gain):
DECODER_OPTIONS="--stats-range --stats-every 86400 --lat 50.5555 --lon 10.1111 --max-range 280"
Just add the lat and lon to your config and restart dump1090-fa.
sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa