US Airways

Hi I will be flying on US Airways for the first time come this June. I would like to know what people think of US Airways? I am also flying to KDCA for the first time and would like to hear what people have to say about that airport, also my flight will be going to KBNA and would like to hear about flying US Airways there.

BNA rocks
What are you doin in Nashville?
The airport is pretty cool

I told you my friend lives in Clarksville. I know that BNA rocks I flew Independence Air and waited there for 2 hours as the flight from Boston was late. But i had a good time there watching a C130 do touch and go’s and airliners taking off. I might be wrong but isn’t the US Airways gates near the old Independence Air gates? :confused: Because I remember seeing them land and taxi by the window but then they went around the corner so I didn’t see.

It’s been a few years since I flew on USAirways. It was an average pleasant experience then.

The approach to KDCA runway 19 is one of the most difficult ones for pilots. It requires about a 45 right turn (heading - not bank angle [but sometimes it ends up being both]) at the last minute.

Atis: 703-419-3917
The airport is to the southwest of the city.
If landing on 19 (River Visual Approach in use), sit on the left for the best view. If landing on 1 (Mount Vernon Approach in use), there isn’t much to see.
If taking off on 1, sit on the right for the view.

Where are you coming from and what type of plane? Where are you going in DC? What are your transportation needs once you get there?

I’m flying from BTV leaving at 6:15ish on an ERJ-170 once i get there i have about 1:30 layover then i’m going to BNA. Old friend lives there. I don’t remember where i’m sitting my dad has the info on his laptop but i will go ask for it. If i bring a camera would they let me take pictures inside? Idid it at BTV and CLE.

last time i flew em’ was from BNA-CLT-BOS pretty good service, but their 737-400s and 300s are a bit old inside

Sometimes the regional jets don’t use the main runway, but the same viewing rules generally apply.

I believe a camera is technically a “portable electronic device” and subject to the rules of such devices mandated by the airline (USAirways I believe allows their use during cruise at or above 10,000 feet), but I see others use cameras (still as well as video) during takeoffs and landings all the time without any flack from the cabin crew (but then they’re usually probably too busy to notice or say anything about it). It COULD be a different story going into DCA, but then I’ve never heard of any such rules about camera restrictions there. I’d trust the answer of an ATP to answer the camera question definitively.

There used to be a rule that passengers must remain seated within 30 minutes after takeoff, or 30 minutes before landing, but that restriction was lifted several months ago - but some flight crews will still mistakenly enforce it. Send an email to the airline’s customer service dept. and notify them if the rule is enforced on your flight.

There WILL be a federal air marshall on board! So, if a crew member tells you to kiss her pinky ring, then you’d damn well better kiss it (and then complain about it afterward).

Once you land, there’re a few restaurants and shops in the gate area. If you’re not toting around much carrying-on baggage, venture into the main terminal beyond security during that 1:30 layover - lots better time-killers out there.

KDCA is not very busy, but you get a good view of all the planes landing and taking off because the runways are all on the east side of the terminal. It’s a cool place but kind of confusing on making your way through. Hope you have fun

HA thanks i will. As long as my flights are not delayed. But if they are i will be in one of my favorite places AIRPORTS :laughing:

I used to fly US fairly regularly when they used to be called “USAir,” basically the '80s thru the mid-'90s. The service was nothing spectacular, but I never had any real problems with it. The biggest lapse in service (for me) came on my second or third flight as an unattended child (I was 11 or 12), when the gate attendant that was “taking care” of me in PIT had me wait by the counter for “a minute,” which quickly turned into 20 minutes. I had a connecting flight to catch, so I checked the monitor myself and went to the gate. I never saw the attendant again, and the flight wasn’t delayed, so I must assume (HOPE) that someone looked up the manifest and saw that I had boarded the plane!!

Yea, they have updated there website and it looks cool. Type in the first letter of the airport ID and a list of a possible airports pops up, until you keep typing or choose your airport.

I planning on fly them from PIT to ORD because they are just about the same price as AA UAL and I don’t have to deal with Termial 1 or 3. The plane pulls up to a gate in Terminal 2 (the oldest looking and quitest terminal @ ORD) and i walk to my limo. The terminal is also always under construction!!!

Any Boeing that they fly will be old, as they haven’t purchased a Boeing a/c in AT LEAST 12 years or so. There’s a big rift between the companies. Some say it’s bad blood from the finger-pointing around the cause of a 734 crash on approach to PIT in the early '90s. There are other factors too, but I couldn’t tell you all of them. Someone else here probably knows more.
Anyhow, AFAIK the only Boeing jets US still operates are 733s, 734s, and some 752s, all gradually being replaced w/ A320 series airframes. They hold so much ill will towards Boeing, they jumped right in and ordered A350s w/out even considering the 787 :open_mouth: , as even some Airbus-exclusive airlines have done.

Their domestic service is OK, with good flight attendents, but their planes are not in good shape, although it was a recently coverted America West CRJ. However, their international service is outstanding. I flew from PHL to LGW then to CLT, and i flew CLT-MMUN RT.