Local Paper Eyes Direct Service Between Nashville and Tokyo

The Tennessean: http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060617/BUSINESS01/606170318/1436/BUSINESS
This would be outstanding if we could hook American or anyone else. Do you think this will happen? If so on what airline?

American Airlines could take that or Delta just a wild guess so don’t at all think i’m right. If American were to take it, it would be nice to see a 777 fly out of there.

OMG, I NO!! I would love to see 777 service out of BNA, our biggest jet other than cargo is a A320!!! I seriously doubt that DL wood open up that route!!

Did’t there use to be 757’s out of there??? What other carriers are out there that would pick up that route?? And what is the percent of this deal falling through??

I don’t see this happening. It’s just another politician grandstanding. I don’t think two or three companies alone could justify a twice weekly nonstop, much less a daily service.

The big executives would use their own jets so they wouldn’t have to mingle with the commoners.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Narita have controlled landing slots for each gate? If so, I doubt that a major carrier would open up a new route there without cutting back on another route.

But, I could be totally off my rocker.

Can’t comment on the position of you in relation to your rocker but, yes, Narita has controlled slots.


AA is dropping SJC-NRT, but even if they still hold that slot there’s zero chance (IMO) for BNA-NRT.
Now Branson, Mo. perhaps… :smiley:

Oh yes, flying into PLK on a commercial flight…FUN FUN!!!

Yes, I know they are working on a regional airport somewhere around there…

Narita / Nashville? I don’t know about that. Country music isn’t big enough in Japan to make Nashville a ‘destination city’.

On the other hand, Narita / Shreveport could just do it. Add a Japanese casino to those already in Shreveport and it will be like the genie in the bottle.

[BIG Wink]

I prefer the “Blue Genie”…

There will be an accosional 747 by me but they are cargo. For some reason there was a Government 747 doing touch and go’s when the AFB is just down the road. Air Force One also landed here.

Once again I’ll point out that you’re the only one who knows where “here” is!


Boeing…In case you haven’t noticed, this is what we like to call a not-so-subtle hint…

Parents dont like me giving out personal info…

Put the code for the airport nearest to you in your profile. I sincerely doubt that would “give away” too much.

Any “Nissan Auto executive” who is high enough up in the company ranks to find the 18 hour journey, as it is now, between NRT and BNA to be restrictive would simply use one of Nissan’s many business jets, including BBJs, to fly to BNA and back.

The idea of a 777 flying the route is, quite simply, absurd. There is no way that, even with guarantees on Nissan’s part regarding front-cabin occupancy rates, such a flight could be profitable.

The RDU-LGW run that AA runs is heavily subsidized, but that market is a larger one that TN-Japan…


I couldn’t find “Blue Genie”, but there is a choice between “Genie with the Blue Jeans on” by Zinfandel and “Jeannie’s Got the Blues” by the Chianti Four.

King of Cars, man…King of Cars…

come on toby…you are better than that!