Upgrading hardware

I have an ancient Raspberry Pi running at 100%, so I want to upgrade it to a Pi 4. Can I just transfer my SD Card from old to new and that’s it? Will the new Pi run from the SD card and connect to my account automatically?

Worked for me. Give it a go. You have nothing to loose that I know of.


I agree. I think it should work. Most of the time linux stuff is much more hardware agnostic than, say Windows. I also think that the chance of anything major breaking when you try running it on a Pi 4 is close to zero.
However, if you are on an old version of Piaware, it may be a good time to go ahead and upgrade, or just rewrite everything on a new SD card, since SD cards do fail over time.
@abcd567 is a genius and has a guide for this. He has a guide for everything.

I don’t use raspberry pi but from what I gather there is a newer operating system. I think the old one was called Bullseye and the newer one bookworm (circa 2023?) There have been discussions on here re: piaware and bookworm, but I didn’t pay attention to them, so maybe @abcd567 can enlighten us. It looks like the recommendation, at least a few months ago, is to continue with Bullseye OS for now.

I just gave it a try, and it didn’t boot. I’m going from a 2014-era Pi B+, so the OS is probably incompatible with Pi 4.

Moving the SD card back to the old Pi didn’t cause any problems. In other words, the Pi 4 didn’t nuke anything on the card.

I’ll build a new SD using the above guide, and will report back.

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sounds reasonable. As a frequent rebuilder of my ubuntu system after I nuke it, I feel your pain. I also have it down to a science at this point. :grinning:
I think it’ll be worth it for the new hardware! You’ll have extra CPU % and memory to do other things with the new Pi if you want to.

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Up and running (but took awhile before I climbed back into my attic). I opted for the PiAware SD image. It didn’t seem to work (no green light on LAN) so I connected it to my TV over HDMI and saw that I had been interrupting a configuration phase. Once I let it reboot it was fine.

I took the opportunity while it was in my hands to log into the console directly, enable ssh, and set up networking and add my unique identifier into the config file.

When I unplugged the old one and plugged in the new one, the FlightAware site continued treating my feeder as if it hadn’t been upgraded. No snags.


Takes me like 15 minutes in terminal to get a new one up and running with everything. Whenever I’m gonna do something twice on a pi I just write the code / commands in a notepad and copy paste it into terminal. So I’ve got line by line on how to set one of these up with all feeders and everything :joy:


Now all you need to do is make a bash script and have it do it automatically. Actually I should do that for myself since I nuke my setups so frequently. :rofl:


Not a bad idea. But I’m always switching from running just one to all of the feeders. Also not sure the install programs for some of them would be compatible.


(1) Create a new blank file by following comand

sudo nano install-piaware.sh

(2) Copy-paste following script into above blank file, and save file.

(3) Issue following comand to run the script

sudo bash install--y piaware.sh

Bash Script
(IMPORTANT: Replace xxxx by your actual feeder-id)

set -e

echo -e "\e[01;32mInstalling Flightaware repository \e[39m"
wget https://www.flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/files/packages/pool/piaware/f/flightaware-apt-repository/flightaware-apt-repository_1.2_all.deb

dpkg -i flightaware-apt-repository_1.2_all.deb
apt update

echo -e "\e[01;32mInstalling piaware \e[39m"
apt install piaware

piaware-config feeder-id xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

piaware-config allow-auto-updates yes
piaware-config allow-manual-updates yes

echo -e "\e[01;32mInstalling dump1090-fa \e[39m"
apt install -y dump1090-fa

echo -e "\e[01;32mINSTALATION COMPLETED. REBOOT RPI \e[39m"



@abcd567 I assume that is a typo in the filename. the filename in the sudo nano is not the same as the sudo bash filename.

Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

Following command has typo
sudo bash install--y piaware.sh

The correct command is as follows:
sudo bash install-piaware.sh

Perhaps an additional line or two to automatically install graphs1090 to your script. Just a thought. Have fun from somewhat chilly Florida.