Unusual SWA routes this early Sunday morning

I am working a night shift an noticed a few interesting flights currently being done by Southwest. Not sure if this has anything to do with FAA inspections. 3 flights are going from Eastern PA (Harrisburg, Scranton and Reading) that are all non-Southwest cities to Orlando. Another flight is going from Phoenix to Colorado Springs. This flight number was also used for a recent route from DAL to Campbell Air Force Base in Kentucky.

Any ideas on what’s going on here? Maybe Southwest have agreements with the military.


I think you are correct that they are military contract flights. I have noted several SWA flights to Billings MT for just that purpose. Our city has longed for SWA to serve us, but it is a long waiting list. :slight_smile:

They come in here quite a bit for both military and sports charters. They usually come from and return to LAS. I also see them return to other SWA domicilies.

Southwest has been doing charters from AVP, MDT to MCO for Boscovs travel packages



So, that means YKM is not a HUB?


JHEM, Check your Private Messages! :stuck_out_tongue:

You shouldn’t feel bad that you were suspect no. two behind J.

Paybacks are a bitch!

The Boscov department store travel agency/Southwest Airlines Orlando charter service seems like an interesting operation. To/from Lancaster, Pa., they operate about once a month, early Sunday morning down/late Saturday night back. Been doing it a couple of years, I believe. Ideal scheduling times for WN down-time MCO operations.

The Lancaster service is often via AVP, or Reading. As was noted, service is also maintained to AVP and Harrisburg, and even Latrobe, Pa.

Is there any similar WN charter operation going on?

Thanks everyone for the replies and information.

I never knew WN was so diversified!