Today United announced they might be moving to Denver if they can’t find an office in dowtown chicago to hold all there offices in the chicagoland area into one building.
I can’t believe that our chicago based airline would even consider moving to another Hub. This is our hometown airline and i would hate to say its home isn’t Chicago anymore. I know nothing would change at O’Hare, but the fact of the matter is that United is Chicago’s airlines and it should stay that way. American doesn’t compare to the roots United has in Chicago. This feels like a slap in the face for the people who live int he chicago land area. It’s alomost like moving the Cubs or Bears out of Chiacgo.
Well, that’s similar to when Boeing decided to move its HQ from the Seattle area to Chicago. As sad as it may be, pure economics seem to be driving the situation.
That said, losing a hometown business deflates the community’s spirit.
Glad that you mentioned about the Boeing Building in Chiacgo. My uncle owns the River Center Building (Butler Building) next to it and he said that the building is half vaccant. I would rather see that company stay in Seattle. I got excited at the time when it moved out here but its roots should stay in Seattle. i remember when they were looking for places to move into and they almost thought about a building in the NW Suburbs. i was younger and i thought that they would build an airport and build there planes here. LOL, I was so dumb to think that.
What if UAL moves into the Boeing building and Boeing moves back to Seattle
Is it really a good idea to be moving right now? I though UAL was having a tough time saying afloat. I would assume a move across country would be financially difficult.
It very well could be, unless Denver is going to give UAL all sorts of tax breaks and incentives. Then, a move might actually help their financial standing, especially if Denver has a lower property tax value than Chicago.
I heard somewhere that Southwest Airlines pays something in the neighborhood of $16M per year in property taxes to Dallas, because all of its planes are registered as having a Dallas ‘home’.
If the Denver tax values are lower, UAL could save a bundle by having all of its planes ‘based’ there.
As most of you guys know there is a LOT of land around KDEN…there is some commercial development in the area (boeing has some offices there) so it might be quite cost-effective to relocate. I am sure the United would never abandon KORD as a hub though, just relocate corporate offices. In any case…Denver is a dry cold, Chicago is just a miserable cold . I’d rather be in Denver.
well…sometimes it just makes good business sense to move. Take Delta…they were started in my home state, Louisiana (Monroe). I don’t think they have more the two or three flights a day ATL to MUL now.