Trying to Update Corrupts MicroSD

Hi All. I was trying to update from version 6.0 to 8.2 via the command line. It wouldn’t work.

So I tried flashing my MicroSD to get the new version. I sent it through the etcher software and it keeps “failing” to flash despite what appears to be the files on the drive. However, plug it into the Raspberry PI and nothing works.

So I tried to format the drive and start again but its now corrupted. Also the etcher software has corrupted 4 different MicroSD cards. I am following the instructions as stated on the FlightAware page.

This is ridiculous!

doubt etcher will cook cards. But there are plenty of people that report it doesn’t apply properly sometimes.

Remember you are writing non windows format partitions from an image with pre loaded configuration.
So reading them on windows or trying additional steps can break things. But generally not totally ruin.

Try win32diskimager to stamp it.


I use the Raspberry Pi Imager for this now. You can select “Custom” and browse to the image file. You can use it to write any image to any media, doesn’t have to be for the Pi.

Use SD Card Formatter to format the card using the overwrite option.

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Got it to work on the 5 or 6 attempt. Etcher was having some weird issues because it finally worked.

Now i have another problem. It will mot connect to the internet via ethernet. It appears to connect but i dont see any IP address appear to access so my site remains offline.

could you issue either “ifconfig -a” or “ip addr” to show all interfaces ?
it could be that the wired port is renamed to enxb827eb97xxxxx from eth0
If the ethernet port is detected it should show in the overview when issuing one of these commands.

Additionally, check the config file
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Im all set. Discovered the issue. Thank you all!