Trying to create flight alert

i m trying to create flight alert using
but i m getting following error.
“title”: “Unconnected”,
“reason”: “UNCONNECTED”,
“detail”: “channel_id is not connected: 21”,
“status”: 400

Hello Anirudh,

Thank you for contacting FlightAware. Usually this error occurs when an endpoint through PUT /alerts/endpoint has not been set. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


Nathan Leung
Support Specialist

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Hi nayleung,
Thanks for the information,
Could you please help me How to create alert & how to set endpoints.


You need to be sure that you have registered an endpoint for your account at least once, before you attempt to set an alert. This allows us to know what URL on your server to deliver the alert to. See the following method to register the endpoint:

while creating alert now i m getting following error.

Might be a bit naive here but the flight alerts are easy via the web page, what is the advantage of setting an alert via the aeroapi system?


Your Set Alert request has a “max_weekly” that will be exceeded. You need to increase max_weekly, or make your other flight matching criteria more specific so that it matches fewer flights.

@send2gl AeroAPI alerts can be programmatically created and destroyed, such as in response to other user activity. The maximum alert count limit is significantly higher using AeroAPI than the website–sometimes users have hundreds or thousands of AeroAPI flight alerts. Additionally, alerts are delivered in a JSON push format directly to your web server for programatic processing by your code.

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Thank you for solution , now its working .