… index.html
Wow, and just when you thought you’d have heard everything…yes I did see that AA is doing SOME things right…to a point. … index.html
Wow, and just when you thought you’d have heard everything…yes I did see that AA is doing SOME things right…to a point.
It goes back to another discussion we’ve had: most airlines don’t give a damn about anything except the bottom line and the outrageous bonuses the executives get.
There is NO reason why a member of the military should have to pay up front and then get reimbursed for charges like this. In fact, there no reason why the military (i.e. taxpayer) should have to pay for a reasonable amount of excess baggage required by the service member.
Are there any instances of military personnel actually having to pay these fees or is this just another instance of the media throwing crap at the airlines hoping some of it will stick?
Here’s where I originally found this story: Soldiers pay bag fee on travel to war (Washington Times). Excerpts below:
American, which recently charged two soldiers from Texas $100 and $300 for their extra duffel bags, said it gives the military a break on the cost for excess luggage and that the soldiers who incur the fees are reimbursed.
“Because the soldiers don’t pay a dime, our waiver of the fees amounts to a discount to the military, not a discount to soldiers,” said Tim Wagner, spokesman for American Airlines. “Soldiers should not have to pay a penny of it.” * (my note: in other words, let us (AAL) screw the taxpayers)*
When soldiers receive their travel orders, they should make sure that excess baggage is authorized and that soldiers can be reimbursed for additional fees that airlines impose, said Army spokesman Paul Boyce.
“We can help them with additional expenses for travel, but soldiers have to submit a receipt and it has to be looked at by our finance people,” Mr. Boyce said. * (my note: it doesn’t appear that the reimbursement AAL says the soldiers get is necessarily automatic.)
I agree the media do like to whip flames when it comes to the airline industry.
In saying that I think enough people read this who work within the airline industry that I had an idea. What if without anyone knowing, when one of our fine US Service persons goes to check in at your counter, just don’t charge them. After as it has been discussed in other threads, the CEO’s are getting paid regardless of what happens on a daily basis at the counters in airports around the world.
I think they should be able to bring as much luggage as they want for free when traveling on duty.
Did anyone catch that segment on ABC a few weeks ago regarding the price it costs the airlines to get one aircraft in the air? It was pretty interesting to see why they charge so much for what it costs them to operate. Not that I am condoning their treatment of soldiers; it’s just a sidebar question and comment.
Did not catch the segment, but I did stumble across this the other day: … +Index.htm
Along these lines?
Close but what you sent is based on quarterly reports. The World News with Charlie Gibson took a Continental Air Lines flight and broke it down from paying the pilots, advertising, ramp agents, flight attendants, stocking the plane, and cleaning it, all the way to landing fees to get just one aircraft airborne. We’re talking in the hundreds of thousands of dollars! Crazy I know! When they don’t get airborne is where I think they lose big time. I really wonder how they money don’t you?
That’s the problem with the airlines today… they DON’T make money. Well, MOST of them don’t.
Standing rule that if someone presents an active military ID card I wouldn’t charge them. Everyone I know here wouldn’t either. Regardless of official policy, there’s some things you let slide.
If they did get charged, I’d suspect a Milt id didn’t get shown, or got a crabass for an agent.
Good to see media attention getting something useful done though.