Squawk Lookup

Squawk Lookup?
I’ve been all over this great flight tracking web site. Love it.

I have a few squawk numbers and wanted to lookup the filght info based on the current assigned squawk number.

Does FlightAware support this? Whre is the Web page link?
If not, who (web site?) does offer a flight lookup based on the current assigned Squawk number?


Hmm… I think that would be hard to do. Seeing that there are 7777 different transponder codes, 5 of those codes non-discrete, and changing each and is gone when a flightplan closes, it would be hard to guarantee that the flight you’re looking up is really the flight you’re wanting to find. Case in point: my LAS-OMA flight gets the squawk code 7235. You’re wanting to look up my flight. It lands by the time you try to look it up, and a MSP-MIA flight has clearance and is given 7235. You’re going to see the MSP-MIA flight, not the LAS-OMA flight.

Plus, transponder codes can change without notice at any given time, as ATC assigns them and can assign them at any given moment.


Not a problem.
I monitor KEGE here - audioplayer.wunderground.com/kcovail2/avon.mp3

That’s a real-time MP3 audio stream I broadcast to the Internet.
When I hear a squawk being assigned, I can look it up right away if I’m in front of my computer. My iPhone can also monitor that real time audio stream via the Internet.

Please answer my question if you can.
Where to go on the Internet, to input an assigned squawk, and get generic flight info (to - from destination?) just generic info.


That’s my whole point. If you hear the squawk code, it’s more than likely you’re hearing the entire clearance being given. So why search for the code? Also, how are you going to determine the squawk code from an arrival from somewhere else? Approach won’t assign it unless they are coming in and need to be radar identified. IFR flights will already have a squawk code. So unless ATC is assigning it, you won’t need to look anything up by squawk code. Sequence for when they radar identify is like so:

Pilot: “Approach, N573SC is a Cessna 182 Slant Alpha 15 miles south of EGE, request flight following.”

ATC: “Cessna 573SC, Approach, squawk 5317 and ident.”

Pilot: 5317, 3SC.

Now. By that time, you already have the callsign. Why search by squawk code when you already have the callsign? Every exchange needing radar identification is like this, where you will already have the callsign before any transponder code. Once again, if they need to change the squawk code, that invalidates your search, but once again, you already have the callsign, making searching by squawk code completely moot.


…your comments are certainly valid for arrivals at KEGE or anywhere else.

My question had to do with KEGE departures…
The scanner will report ATC’s assigned Squawks (departues) as the aircraft departs…that’s what I am interested in looking up…

Make sense?

No it doesn’t make sense to me.

If you scan the clearance delivery you will hear the code given and repeated back once each. You will also hear the tail number about 10 times before take off. So why not just look up the tail number on FA since that is the info displayed here?

Xpndr codes are distributed by airports. My local airport has about ten standard codes. It’s possible but not likely that a jet could leave here on a 5.5 hr flight across the country while two hours and ten IFR departures later an airliner on a 90nm hop could receive the same code. My point is that code could be in use more than once.

You can google to find the listing of codes that are assigned to specific airports. Something tells me Dami knows the url. :stuck_out_tongue:

What you’re wanting is redundant.

If you’re dealing with departures, you’re getting the squawk code from clearance delivery. But you’ll hear the CALLSIGN of the flight more times than you’ll hear the squawk code, plus hear the callsign first. And those squawk codes get REUSED at a given field. So you’re going to have bad data from the squawk code, when the callsign is a better and resilient way to track a flight. Case in point:

Pilot: Clearance Delivery, November 355 Mike Mike at Atlantic Aviation, picking up our clearance to Boise, with Information Whiskey.

STOP. You already have the callsign. That is all you’d need for tracking. Destination would help, but with the CALLSIGN, you’re all set.

ATC: N355MM, Clearance Delivery, cleared to the Boise Air Terminal via runway heading, radar vectors Rome direct. maintain 5000. expect 15000 2 minutes after departure, departure frequency 127.35, squawk 3172.

Stop. You already have the CALLSIGN. Squawk code is useless for you for tracking a flight when they can be changed on a whim. What is to stop the departure controller from saying:

ATC: N355MM, reset transponder, squawk 7155.

Your squawk code is now useless and you have lost track of your flight.

What you’re asking for really doesn’t make sense, as you already would have the callsign and could track that easier than a code that can change instantly.