
How many mph does a plane go once it reaches its traveling altitude? How fast does it go when its about to land?

Which plane? Malibu? 747? SR-71?

That’s it…I’m getting my gun. I think americanairdude is back in full force.

Fast enough for it to fly, slow enough so that it doesn’t reach escape velocity and head off to the moon.

Fast enough for it to fly, slow enough so that it doesn’t reach escape velocity and head off to the moon.

Please for the love of baby Jesus- start using google or Wiki before you ask questions…

Kids- you give them books and they eat the pages…

I’m tellin’ ya…it’s the return of americanairdude…

Can we get an IP check on trjrfly and compare???

You guys are a hoot.
The kid asked a question that can’t be answered, Pika’s reply shows why it can’t be answered … boom, done. Right?

No, you got another 4 posts out of it, griping and calling conspiracy on him. Same with the question about the Boeing canard (or whatever it is). Geez, go have a beer instead!


Here’s some food for thought… the SR-71 had a 100NM turn radius at Mach 3+ :open_mouth:

I am there with you…I go away on vac. for a few days come back and WTF??? :smiling_imp:

That’s interesting – only 0.45 G lateral, right? If so, what’s it limited by? Onset of stalling in the thin air?
I was picturing it’d be 7-9 G’s, like F-15s, but evidently not. I calculate it takes 11 min to turn 180 deg.

Yes. At cruising altitude the margin between controlled flight and a stall was razor thin.

A 747 at cruising altitude, 600 mph or maybe a little less. 747 on final, 135 mph? i ain’t the expert.

A little faster then 135. more like 150-160

I was getting mixed up between knots and mph, I don’t know what I was thinking. 747’s land at 145 to 150 knots, which is about 175 mph. Yea or nea?

Knots x 1.15077945 = MPH

yeah that works

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I needed this, this morning…

Thank ya.

i think he means the average plane not any specific plane

the average curise speed is exactly 224 kias
and the average landing speed is 104 kias.