I think he is talking about sorting the board to show newest posts at the top rather than scrolling all the way down to the bottom.
That being said, and if I am wrong, someone correct me, I don’t think Daniel and crew have much control over the overall setup of this board. They can do the basics, but I don’t think they can get that deep into the format.
Not “huh?” but WHY? I find it’s much better to have the postings in chronological order. If you want to see new postings, just hit the “end” key to go to the end.
I gotta’ say that I think you’re both being presumptuous to think that the OP is asking to implement something so stupid as to invert the posts so that the latest post shows FIRST in each thread.
So, GraySky, could you elaborate a bit more as to what exactly you’re looking for?
I’ve been on boards that are both ways. Latest post first and last. I personally prefer last because that way, if I hit a topic after there have been quite a few posts, I don’t have to go to the end of the thread to see what the original post was all about since we all know that multiple topics can be thrown into one thread. Now GS may prefer the other way. I guess it would be a request for a choice in the prefs. for each member, latest post first or last.
Also, JHEM, saying it was a stupid idea just officially made your post “inane”…
I like the latest last because, silly me, I read that way. I don’t read a book from last page to first page. Like I said, all you have to do is hit the “end” key to go to the end quickly.
Sorry to confuse everyone. Basically, I was just curious if it was possible to see the latest post at the top. If you had a sort button, you could decide which way you liked to read the posts. Didn’t know if it was possible but, was just curious. Sorry to get everyone riled up over such a small question.